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Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense

Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense

Classification : Creature
Domain : Bacteria (bacteria)
Department : Proteobacteria
Class : Alphaproteobacteria
Order : Rhodospirillales
Family : Rhodospirillaceae
Scientific name
Pfennig & Trüper 1971

The Rhodospirillaceae form a family of bacteria within the class of Alphaproteobacteria . Most species in this family are capable of anoxygenic photosynthesis using organics as electron donors, not reduced sulfur compounds . They therefore belong to the physiological group of non-sulfur purple bacteria .

Some types are nitrogen fixers . You can assimilate elemental nitrogen (N 2 ) from the environment and thus indirectly make it available to other organisms such as plants.

The genus Magnetospirillum contains magnetotactic bacteria that use magentosomes to align their direction of movement with the earth's magnetic field. Examples are the species Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense and Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum .


Some genera of this family:


  • Michael T. Madigan, John M. Martinko, Jack Parker: Brock - Microbiology . 11th edition, Pearson Studium, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-8274-0566-1 .


  1. a b George M. Garrity (Ed.): Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology . 2nd edition, Volume 2: The Proteobacteria. Part C: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteabacteria . Springer, New York 2005, ISBN 978-0-387-24145-6 .
  2. JP Euzéby: List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature - Family Rhodospirillaceae (as of January 27, 2019).

Web links

Commons : Rhodospirillaceae  - collection of images, videos and audio files