Richard Arauner

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Richard Arauner (born April 19, 1902 in Solnhofen , † November 1, 1936 near Tabarz ) was a German Nazi agricultural functionary and SS-Oberführer .


The son of a quarry owner (Protestant) completed an apprenticeship as a qualified farmer after completing his school career. The meeting with his fellow student, the later Reich Food Minister and Reich farmers leader Richard Walther Darré , whose closest advisor and friend became Arauner, was to be groundbreaking. So he followed him in three organizations led by Darré: Agrarpolitischer Apparat ( Reichsamt für Agrarpolitik ), Reichsnährstand and Race and Settlement Main Office of the SS (RuSHA). On October 15, 1923, he joined the Bund Oberland , which had submitted to Adolf Hitler a month earlier . Together they took part in the Hitler-Ludendorff putsch attempt from November 8th to 9th, 1923.

His party career began soon after he joined the NSDAP in 1929 ( membership number 434.651), which made him an "old fighter" . From April 1, 1931, he was managing director of the central office of the "Agricultural Political Apparatus" (aA) in the " Brown House " in Munich. In 1930 Darré had started to build this organization with the rank of Reich leadership adviser. A large number of voluntary “agricultural consultants” were deployed here, who pursued the party's agricultural policy goals as propaganda and who, after the “ seizure of power ”, worked as farmers' leaders in the Reichsnährstand . The aA was the forerunner of the Office for Agricultural Policy, founded in 1933, from which the Reich Office for Agricultural Policy emerged in 1936 . In this institution of the NSDAP, which was under the leadership of Reich Food Minister Darré (here as Reichsleiter) and his State Secretary Herbert Backe , Arauner remained active until his death, from 1932 as department head and from 1935 as chief office manager.

Arauner also went through an SS career , which he entered on October 1, 1933 (SS no. 55.371). From that day on he worked in the Race and Settlement Main Office of the SS ( RuSHA ) as Obersturmführer. Two months later he was promoted to SS-Sturmhauptführer, in the following year he became SS-Sturmbannführer and SS-Obersturmbannführer on the memorable days ( April 20, 1934 and November 9, 1934). On April 20, 1935, Arauner was promoted to SS-Standartenführer and on November 1, 1936 to SS-Oberführer.

Within the Reich Food Arauner was from January 1, 1934 in addition managing director ( " Seal True ") of the German Reich Farm Council , both under the direction of the Reich peasant leader were Darré.

During a business trip, his plane crashed near Tabarz in the Thuringian Forest. According to newspaper reports, Arauner was "on the way back from the swearing-in of the regional farmers' council of the Saar-Palatinate" and was "carried to the grave" as one of the "most trusted" and "oldest employees" of Darrés in Goslar .



  • SS-Oberführer Richard Arauner on
  • Bundesarchiv Berlin (BArch), inventory NS 35 - Reichsamt für das Landvolk; Inventory R 16 I - German Reichsbauernrat, personnel files (No. 180); SSO files


  • Ernst Kopf (arrangement): Richard Arauner (= The ancestors of German farmers' leaders, Volume 6), ed. from the staff office of the Reichsbauernführer, Reichsnährstand Verl.-Ges., Berlin 1937.
  • Wilhelm Lenz: The German Reichsbauernrat - Darrés political fighting community . In: Friedrich P. Kahlenberg (Ed.): From the work of the archives. Contributions to archives, source studies and history. Festschrift for Hans Booms (= writings of the Federal Archives, Volume 36). Boldt, Boppard am Rhein 1989, ISBN 3-7646-1892-2 , pp. 787-799.
  • Andreas Dornheim: Race, Space and Autarky. Expert opinion on the role of the Reich Ministry for Food and Agriculture in the Nazi era. Developed for the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Bamberg 2011.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Andreas Dornheim: Race, Space and Autarky. Expert opinion on the role of the Reich Ministry for Food and Agriculture in the Nazi era . Developed for the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection. Bamberg 2011, p. 77
  3. Völkischer Beobachter of November 3 and 7, 1936, quoted in Dornheim, Rasse (2011), p. 77.