Richard Beggs

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Richard Beggs (born January 8, 1942 in San Francisco , California ) is an American sound designer and sound engineer .


Beggs began his career in 1979 with Francis Ford Coppola's war film Apocalypse Now , for which he won an Oscar for Best Sound the following year along with Walter Murch , Mark Berger and Nathan Boxer . This would be his only Oscar nomination. Beggs was subsequently involved in numerous science fiction films as a sound designer, including Ghostbusters in the 1980s - The Ghostbusters , Critters - You Are Here! and Mel Brooks' Spaceballs . as well as in the 1990s Sphere - The Power from Space and Galaxy Quest - Planlessly through space . He also worked as a sound engineer and mixer.

Filmography (selection)

Awards (selection)

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