Richard Liebreich

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Richard Liebreich

Richard Liebreich (born June 30, 1830 in Königsberg , † January 19, 1917 in Paris ) was a German physiologist and pioneer in the field of ophthalmology .


Liebreich studied medicine in Berlin and received his doctorate in Halle in 1853 . After a time with Frans Cornelis Donders in Utrecht and Ernst Brücke in Berlin, he worked as an assistant doctor from 1854 to 1862 with Albrecht von Graefe in Berlin. During this time Liebreich wrote several research papers, for example the first larger study on Usher syndrome , and constructed a form of the ophthalmoscope that was very common at the time , the so-called "Liebreich ophthalmoscope".

In Berlin he also made the color tables for his "Atlas of Ophthalmoscopy", which appeared in 1863 and was widely recognized. This also includes the first representation of the fundus . He had already succeeded in depicting it with the help of photography in 1858 by providing a concave mirror with a hole in the middle and attaching the lens of a camera so that it could be rotated and moved. The concave mirror was lit from the side so that the light fell through the dilated pupil . The image could be checked and focused with a focusing screen , then it was recorded with a photo plate .

Richard Liebreich settled in Paris in 1862 and practiced there with great success, including a successful operation on the mother-in-law of Emperor Napoléon III. In 1865 he was elected a member of the Leopoldina .

In connection with the Franco-Prussian War , he moved to London in 1870 , where he was in charge of the eye department at St Thomas' Hospital until 1878 . He returned to Paris, maintained a private practice there for some time and then withdrew completely from professional life to work as an artist at the École des Beaux-Arts . He died in Paris on January 19, 1917.

Richard Liebreich was the older brother of the pharmacologist Oskar Liebreich and brother-in-law of the painter Gustav Graef .

Fonts (selection)

  • Descent from marriages among blood relatives as the reason for retinitis pigmentosa . German Clinic 1861; 13:53
  • Atlas of Ophthalmoscopie - Atlas d'Ophthalmoscopie. Representation of the fundus in a healthy and pathological condition . Paris (Bailliére), Berlin (Hirschwald), 1863


  • Sabine Fahrenbach: The Liebreich ophthalmoscope. In: Ärzteblatt Sachsen. 2002, no. 13, p. 113 f. ( PDF ).
  • James G. Ravin, Christie Kenyon: From Graefe's clinic to the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. The meteoric career of Richard Liebreich. In: Survey of Ophthalmology. Vol. 37 (1992) H. 3, pp. 221-228, PMID 1475755 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ophthalmology . In: Medicinische Facultät in Pag (Hrsg.): Quarterly publication for practical medicine . Karl André, Prague 1859, p. 76 f . ( ANNO - AustriaN Newspapers Online [accessed June 1, 2020]).