Richard Müller (administrative lawyer)

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Richard Muller

Richard Wilhelm Theodor Müller , since 1919: Müller-Goldegg (born May 26, 1852 in Neubrandenburg , † September 15, 1932 in Stettin ) was a German administrative lawyer in the Prussian finance and customs administration.


Richard Müller [-Goldegg], son of the pharmacist Albert Ludolph Theodor Müller (* 1818) from Gartz (Oder) , pharmacist in Neubrandenburg, later in Görlitz , and his wife Emilie Sophie, nee. Schweiger (* 1827) from Schwedt / Oder , was baptized on June 20, 1852 in Neubrandenburg.

After schools in Landsberg an der Warthe and Duisburg, Richard Müller came to the Görlitzer Augustum-Annen-Gymnasium . He enrolled at the University of Leipzig for law in the winter semester of 1869/70 and became active in the Corps Lusatia Leipzig . In the winter semester of 1870/71 he moved to the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität , where he joined the Corps Suevia Heidelberg . He finished his studies at the Royal University of Greifswald and the Friedrich Wilhelms University of Berlin . He passed the legal traineeship in 1874 and the assessor examination in 1878. He was a court assessor in Görlitz and Glogau . District judge since 1882, he transferred to financial administration in 1883. After he had been a government assessor at the Provincial Tax Directorate in Breslau, he joined the Provincial Tax Directorate in Berlin in 1886 as a councilor. For a time unskilled worker in the Prussian Ministry of Finance, he was transferred to the provincial tax offices of Breslau (1893) and Erfurt (1898) as senior government councilor in 1893. In 1899 he was characterized as a Secret Finance Council and appointed General Director of the Thuringian Customs and Tax Administration. Later he was President of the General Customs Directorate in Stettin and Provincial Tax Director of Pomerania.

The marriage with Maria Goldegg in 1881 resulted in a son and a daughter.



  • Egbert Weiss (ed.): Active in the monarchy. Leipzig Corps students 1807–1918. Curricula vitae of the Leipziger Lausitzer , Volume 1 of the register of the Corps Lusatia. Leipzig 2017. ISBN 978-3-96049-017-3 , p. 281.

Individual evidence

  1. Church book addendum to change of name November 3, 1919 at birth / baptism entry in church book Neubrandenburg, p. 412 [baptism entry No. 71/1852].
  2. a b Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 3/517; 67/627.
  3. a b Egbert Weiß (2017)