Richard Petersen (engineer)

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Richard Petersen (born August 14, 1865 in Garding , † 1946 in Augsburg ) was a German engineer and university professor . He was the technical manager for the construction of the Wuppertal suspension railway .


Petersen grew up in Husum . From 1898 he was in charge of the construction work on the Wuppertal suspension railway. Together with Bruno Möhring and Rudolf Eberstadt , he presented an urban development plan for Greater Berlin in 1910 . From 1912 he taught as an honorary professor at the Technical University (Berlin-) Charlottenburg . In 1914 he was appointed full professor for railway construction and urban transport at the Technical University of Danzig . In November 1933 he signed the German professors' confession of Adolf Hitler .


  • together with Rudolph Eberstadt and Bruno Möhring : Groß-Berlin. A program for planning the modern city. Berlin 1910.
  • The design of the arch in the railroad tracks. In: Organ for the Progress of the Railway System , year 1920, issue 5 and 6.
  • Transport issues related to city expansion, explained using examples from Zurich and Gdansk. In: Der Bauingenieur , 2nd year 1921, issue 3.
  • The most expedient slope of the railroad. CW Kreidel, Berlin / Wiesbaden 1921.


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