Richard Mute

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Richard Stumm (* 1900 in Worms ; † 1971 there ) was a German painter and graphic artist .


After the First World War , in which he still had to participate, Stumm studied first in Frankfurt am Main , then at the University of Munich history and art history , where he attended lectures in particular with Heinrich Wölfflin . His artistic training is mainly due to the fact that the academy professor Karl Caspar , who became famous for his visionary expressionism , accepted him as a master student in his studio. Since 1920 he was a member of the Catholic student union KDStV Rheno-Franconia Munich. However, Stumm's life's work itself is closest to the New Objectivity style .

Richard Stumm's oeuvre is characterized by an unusual variety of artistic fields and techniques. He not only stood out for his pen drawings and watercolors, but also worked as a painter , sculptor and graphic artist . As a restorer , he was involved in the restoration of the Worms Church of Our Lady , the Worms Cathedral and the baroque hall church in Mettenheim.

For 50 years, Mute has also become a chronicler of his hometown Worms , whose views he presented in a large number of his works. The Richard-mute street in Worms is named after him.

In a portrait from 1949 Richard Stumm said the following about his work:

“I take everything as a painter. Philosophy, literature - I could never and never want to miss any of these. But above all, painting stands for me as an image of real life, which I fully and absolutely affirm. Connection to life - that is always the principle of my work. "

In May 2019, the exhibition Richard Stumm - Augenmensch und Augenzeuge was opened in Worms , in which, in addition to loans from the Worms city archive, pictures, drawings and graphics from private collections were also on view for the first time.

Richard Stumm is the father of the Marburg artist Richard Stumm and the grandfather of the actor Fabian Stumm .


Plastic work (selection)

  • Well surround at Luginsland Worms
  • Children's figures in the complex in front of the Andreastor Worms
  • Fountain figure boy on fish worms
  • Relief art in the White Hall of the Andreas Museum in Worms
  • Seal relief on the former Martinsstift Worms
  • Sandstone plinth at Karolingerstraße Worms

Illustrations (selection)

  • Alt-Worms. A cityscape by Friedrich M. Illert , Kranzbühler Verlag 1925 (50 pen drawings)
  • Memorandum for the 100th anniversary of the Städtische Sparkasse Worms , Worms 1938 (illustration and book design)
  • Worms sketchbook. Drawings from the years 1945 to 1947 , Norberg Verlag 1948
  • The old city: image and fate of the former Free City of Worms , Norberg Verlag 1950 (pen drawings)
  • Wormser Profile , Carl JH Villinger (Ed.) 1966
  • The key, a walk through Worms and its landscape. Pen drawings by Richard Stumm by Ludwig Kramarczyk, 80 illustrations, Worms 1970.
  • The story of the Bu-Mä , a children's book by Ernst and Ida Kilb, Norberg Verlag 1942
  • Osnabrück. Picture of an old town by Ludwig Bäte, Norberg Verlag 1952

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Der Wormsgau - Richard Stumm by Richard Wisser, Volume 21, 2002, p. 103 ff.
  2. ^ Wormser Zeitung - Art life, not art business - The painter Richard Stumm, 3./4. September 1949
  3. ^ Pictures by Richard Stumm can be seen in Worms Wormser Zeitung report