Rick Baunacke

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Rick Baunacke (born January 6, 1987 ) is a German football player .


Baunacke comes from the Bremerhaven Seahawks ' youth work , and in 2006 he played for their men's team in the regional league. In the 2007 game year, the 1.93-meter linebacker was part of the Hamburg Blue Devils in the highest German league, the GFL . In 2008 he first strengthened the Hohenems Blue Devils in Austria before he went to the Kiel Baltic Hurricanes in the course of the year and played four missions for the Fördestädter. Baunacke took part in training  events of the NFL Europe , but did not make the leap into the league. After a stopover at the Essen Assindia Cardinals in 2009, he returned to Kiel for the 2010 season. In October 2010 Baunacke won the German championship with the team under the direction of head coach Patrick Esume . In 2011 he again reached the final of the German championship with Kiel, but had to admit defeat to the Schwäbisch Hall Unicorns .

In 2012 Baunacke played for the Berlin Adler , he switched to the Braunschweig Lions during the 2013 season and won another German championship title with the Lower Saxony team in October 2013. From 2015 Baunacke was  on the lawn for the Berlin Rebels .

In 2017 he took part in the World Games in Wroclaw with the German national  team and won the silver medal.

Until 2018 he played with the Rebels in the capital. In the run-up to the 2019 season, Baunacke joined the Dresden Monarchs  , but had to sit out due to injury during the course of the season. For the 2020 season he went to the Berlin Eagles.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Eurobowl Roster 2012 Berlin Adler. In: eurobowl.info. Retrieved March 8, 2020 .
  2. New York Lions are happy about newcomers from Bremerhaven. Accessed March 8, 2020 (German).
  3. Show the "100 percent Rick" again. Retrieved March 8, 2020 .
  4. Hamburg Blue Devils NAMES, DATES, FACTS. (PDF; 957 kB) In: fk-hbd.de. Förderkreis Hamburg Blue Devils eV Hamburg, December 31, 2013, accessed on March 6, 2020 .
  5. a b Rick Baunacke back in Kiel - KIEL BALTIC HURRICANES. Retrieved March 8, 2020 .
  6. a b http://www.berlin-rebels.de/12-scc-berlin/aktuelle-nachrichten/404-im-fokus-linebacker-rick-baunacke
  7. Christian Schwarz: Baunacke should ensure safety. March 6, 2009, accessed on March 8, 2020 (German).
  8. https://www.baltic-hurricanes.de/fileadmin/media/download/Pressbereich/MediaGuide2017_45-84.pdf
  9. Schw. Hall Unicorns vs Kiel Bal.Hurricanes (October 8, 2011). Retrieved March 8, 2020 .
  10. ^ Berlin Adler vs Dresden Monarchs (August 4th, 2012). Retrieved March 8, 2020 .
  11. New York Lions 2014 - Top Tacklers and Young Talent. Retrieved March 8, 2020 .
  12. ^ Dresden Monarchs vs New Yorker Lions (October 12, 2013). Retrieved March 8, 2020 .
  13. Worldgames 2017. In: football-history.de. Retrieved March 8, 2020 .
  14. Berlin Rebels vs Frankfurt Universe (23.09.2018). Retrieved March 8, 2020 .
  15. Linebacker 2019. Accessed March 8, 2020 .
  16. Monarchs with defensive boss in the quarterfinals? Retrieved March 8, 2020 .
  17. Berlin Adler build on continuity. Retrieved March 8, 2020 .