Giant gelatinous tear

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Giant gelatinous tear
2009-09-19 Dacrymyces chrysospermus Berk.  & MA Curtis 57525.jpg

Giant gelatinous tear ( Dacrymyces chrysospermus )

Subdivision : Agaricomycotina
Class : Dacrymycetes
Order : Gelatinous teardrop (Dacrymycetales)
Family : Gelatinous Tear Relatives (Dacrymycetaceae)
Genre : Gelatinous Tears ( Dacrymyces )
Type : Giant gelatinous tear
Scientific name
Dacrymyces chrysospermus
Berk. & MA Curtis

The giant jelly tear ( Dacrymyces chrysospermus ) is a species of fungus from the family of tears fungal relatives (Dacrymycetaceae). Like most other gelatinous tears , it forms gelatinous, yellowish fruiting bodies and grows as a saprobiont on dead, debarked wood. The species is known from the Holarctic and South Africa and is fructified in the northern hemisphere from autumn to winter.


Macroscopic features

The giant gelatinous tear has cup-, brain- or wavy-misshapen fruit bodies with a gelatinous texture and a single diameter of 1–4 mm. The basidiocarpies grow gregariously and merge with one another to form 2–4 cm long structures. They are short-stalked and from golden yellow to orange-brown in color.

Microscopic features

Microscope image of the fruit layer of the giant gelatinous tear
Basidia and spores of the giant gelatinous tear in the light microscope. The multiple septate spores (top right) are characteristic of this species.

The spores of the species are narrowly elliptical to curved. They are 4–7  µm wide, hyaline and have 3–7 septa.

Ecology and phenology

The giant gelatinous tear is a saprobiont that grows on dead, preferably damp, rotten wood. Usually the substrate is coniferous wood, hardwood is only very rarely populated. The fructification takes place in the Holarctic in autumn and winter.


The giant gelatinous tear is common in the Holarctic and South Africa. The main distribution area in the Holarctic is in the temperate zone and in submontane locations.


Web links

Commons : Giant Jelly Tear ( Dacrymyces chrysospermus )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files