Rita Reiners

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Rita Reiners (born April 1, 1911 in Münster , † April 4, 1988 in Krefeld ) was a German writer who, in addition to some prose, mainly appeared as a poet .

life and work

Rita Reiners was born in Münster , Westphalia, in 1911 . After completing school at a secondary school in Krefeld , she trained as a singer at the opera between 1932 and 1937 by studying in Berlin . Just two years later, due to illness (increasing hearing loss), she was forced to stop working on the stage. In order to cope with life, she turned to literature, published her first volume of poetry in 1942 under the title Unterwegs: lyrische Streiflichter and subsequently published numerous other volumes of poetry (including various volumes with sonnets ) at regular intervals until 1985 , and in 1954 prose the girl from Zöldvar and other Hungarian narratives and 1962 also a novel entitled the temple of Epidauro . In 1980, her biography was published under the title: Venus in the shadow of Saturn .

Rita Reiners lived in Budapest from 1939 to 1944 , and finally in Krefeld from 1952, where she died in April 1988 shortly after her 77th birthday. Reiners also wrote under the pseudonym Marion Mönnichfeld.

Fonts (selection)

Single volumes

  • On the way: lyrical highlights . 1942, (poems)
  • Soul mirror . 1943, (poems)
  • Chained heart . 1943, (sonnets)
  • Unmatched paradise . 1944, (sonnets)
  • Poems . 1946, (poems)
  • Little Susi's day . 1947, (poems with pictures by Hans Hasshoff)
  • The quiet voices . 1947, (poems)
  • The narrow path . (Sonnets), 1948
  • Discordia concors . 1949, (poems with drawings by Hans Mausbach)
  • Fullness of life . 1952, (poems)
  • The girl from Zöldvar and other Hungarian stories . 1954, (short stories)
  • The cheers will not be silent . 1955, (poems)
  • Fantasies: Satirical Verses . 1958, (poems)
  • Lonely track . 1958, (poems)
  • Peter and Purzel: The Story of a Childhood . 1958,
  • Dream reality . 1960, (poems)
  • Trace of dreams . 1961, (poems)
  • The temple of Epidaurus . 1962, (novel)
  • Intersections . 1963, (poems)
  • The thorn bush . 1966, (poems)
  • Black mirrors . 1969, (poems)
  • The Achilles Heel: Cheerful Satirical Poems . 1970, (poems)
  • The Wasp's Nest: New cheerful satirical verses . 1971, (poems)
  • Impromptu Comedy: New Poems . 1973, (poems)
  • Archaic vision: dialogue in word and form . 1975 (by Rita Reiners and Karlheinz Urban)
  • Summit view . 1977, (poems)
  • Dark poppy seeds . 1978, (poems)
  • Venus in Saturn's Shadow: A Biography . 1980, (biography - memoirs)
  • Journey into the unknown . 1981, (poems)
  • Women: fin de siec̀le - today . 1984, (poems)
  • Four hands . 1985 (poems)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rita Reiners in the Lexicon of Westphalian Authors
  2. Rita Reiners. In: Westermann's, Volume 108. , Magazinpresse, 1967, p. 106
  3. Rita Reiners. In: Who is who ?, Volume 27. , Hermann August Ludwig Degener, Walter Habel, Schmidt-Römhild, 1988, p. 1083