Robert Chia

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Robert Chia Cheng Huat (* 1949 ) is Professor of Management at the Adam Smith Business School at the University of Glasgow .


After studying mechanical engineering (Tech Dip. Mech Eng) at the Singapore Polytechnic , Chia worked in aircraft maintenance for six years, then switched to production management and human resource management at a manufacturing company for ten years . After this experience, Chia switched to a teaching post at Lancaster University in Great Britain in 1988 . It was here that he was awarded a doctorate in Organization Studies. After holding positions at the University of Essex , University of St Andrews and University of Aberdeen , Chia moved to the Business School of the University of Strathclyde in 2008. From Strathclyde, Chia moved to the Adam Smith Business School as a Research Professor of Management .

Chia took on editorial duties for Organization Studies and sat on the advisory boards for the Journal of Management Studies , Management Learning and the Journal of Chinese Management . Chia has written several books and published a variety of articles in well-known publications.


Chia researches decision-making processes and the associated undesirable outcomes. In addition, he examines the strategic skills in real situations, both organizational function and dysfunction, objectives of business schools and different mentalities between East and West as well as their effects on practical business management.

Chia represents a postmodern understanding of organizations . He vehemently advocates a constructivist point of view that rejects any positivism in the style of the Vienna Circle , as can be seen in the comparative organizational approach of the Aston Group . By describing an organization in fixed positions, the impression of thinginess is created, as if there were something objective. In fact, according to Chia, an organization is the temporary state of interactive, dynamic processes. Even Karl E. Weick's approach, in which organization "happens" when people become active in the sense of an organization, seems to Chia to be too firmly attached to things. From this point of view, change in organizations is not the exception, but the rule.

To deal with these constantly flowing entities, Chia falls back on philosophical ideas, for example the pre-Socratic Heraklit , the English mathematician and philosopher Alfred North Whitehead or the French process philosopher Henri Bergson . Chia explores the connection between philosophy and the models of management theory more deeply. The basic philosophical themes of metaphysics , logic , epistemology (theory of knowledge) and ethics already show the connections between the areas. The investigation allows one to examine hidden assumptions and unspoken theories in areas such as organizational theory , decision theory and others.


By invitation, Chia is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts .


  • 1996: Organizational analysis as deconstructive practice , Robert Chia
  • 1998: In the realm of organization: essays for Robert Cooper , Robert CH Chia (Editor)
  • 1998: Organized worlds: explorations in technology and organization , with Robert Cooper
  • 2009: Strategy without design: the silent efficacy of indirect action , with Robin Holt
  • 2011: Philosophy and Organization Theory. Series: Research in the sociology of organizations ; Haridimos Tsoukas , and Robert Chia (editors), Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., Bingley, UK

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Online entry in the Library of Congress, accessed October 23, 2012
  2. a b c d e f g Professor Robert Chia. In: University of Glasgow website. Retrieved April 9, 2018 .
  3. a b c d e Robert Chia's curriculum vitae on the University of Strathclyde website, online presentation  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ; Retrieved October 23, 2012@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  4. a b c d Robert Chia (1997) Thirty Years on: From Organizational Structures to the Organization of Thought ; Organizations Studies 1997, 18/4: 685-707 © 1997 EGOS 0170-8406 / 97 online (PDF; 1.6 MB)
  5. ^ Robert Chia and Haridimos Tsoukas (2002) On Organizational Becoming: Rethinking Organizational Change ; Organization Science
  6. ^ A b Rober Chia (2002) The Production of Management Knowledge: Philosophical Underpinnings of Research Design in David Partington (Ed., 2002) Essential Skills for Management Research , London, Sage

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