Robert Esser

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Robert Esser (born August 29, 1970 in Tönisvorst , Niederrhein) is a German legal scholar and has been a professor of German, European and international criminal law and criminal procedure law as well as commercial criminal law at the University of Passau since 2007 .

Robert Esser, 2012

academic career

Between 1991 and 1997 Esser studied law at the Universities of Trier and Uppsala (Sweden) . He passed the first state examination in law in 1997 in Trier .

After the Second State Examination in Law (1999) , he did his doctorate at the University of Trier on the subject: “On the way to a European criminal procedure law - The basics as reflected in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights ( ECHR ) in Strasbourg ”. The dissertation , for which Esser was funded with the PhD scholarship from the state of Rhineland-Palatinate and which received the University of Trier's award for young scientists, was published in 2002 by De Gruyter Verlag, Berlin .

From the end of 2001 to the beginning of 2007, Esser worked as a research assistant at the University of Trier at the chair for German, European and international criminal law and criminal procedural law , criminology from Hans-Heiner Kühne .

After his habilitation at the University of Trier (2006) with the title “On the limits of criminal law as an instrument for correcting undesirable developments in society - an investigation using the example of infidelity (Section 266 of the Criminal Code)”, Esser took over the representation of the chair for criminal law and criminal procedure law as well as Eastern law at the University of Passau (successor to Martin Fincke ).

Since February 2007 Robert Esser has held the chair for German, European and international criminal law and criminal procedure law as well as commercial criminal law at the University of Passau . In 2014 he was appointed to the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU).

Robert Esser is Deputy Managing Director of the Institute for International and Foreign Law - Department for European and International Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law.

In 2010, Esser founded the research center "Human Rights in Criminal Proceedings (HCRP)", a research, training and advice center for all questions relating to international human rights protection in criminal proceedings. The tasks of HRCP include the evaluation and systematisation of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg as well as the rulings of the Human Rights Committee and the Committee Against Torture of the United Nations (UN Human Rights Committee / UN Anti-Torture Committee). The research center prepares case law overviews and takes on the conception of guest lectures, specialist conferences, excursions, workshops, seminars and advanced training events in the field of human rights protection for judges, public prosecutors, lawyers, defense lawyers and students.

In 2014/2015, Robert Esser was a member of the expert commission set up by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection for the more effective and practical design of general criminal proceedings and juvenile court proceedings.

Main areas of activity

Numerous publications on German criminal law and criminal procedure law, on the subject of human rights in German criminal proceedings ( ECHR ), on commercial criminal law and on questions of international criminal law.


  • On the way to a European law of criminal procedure - The basics as reflected in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg. Dissertation. De Gruyter, Berlin 2002, ISBN 3899490037 .
  • Löwe, Rosenberg: Major Commentary on the Code of Criminal Procedure. 26th edition, volume 11. De Gruyter, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-89949-490-7 (EMRK / IPbpR).
  • Krey / Esser, Criminal Law - General Part , Textbook. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 6th edition. 2016
  • European and international criminal law, textbook. CH Beck, Munich, 2nd edition 2017
  • EGMR / HRC / CAT - Articles in the Handbook Internationales Criminal Law, Ahlbrecht / Böhm / Esser / Eckelmans. (Ed.), CF Müller, Heidelberg, 2nd edition 2017, ISBN 3811443526 .
  • Criminal labor law and copyright law , in: Esser / Rübenstahl / Saliger / Tsambikakis (ed.), Commercial criminal law. Dr. Otto-Schmidt publishing house. Cologne. 2017
  • §§ 266–266b; 316a – 322 StGB. In: Leipold, Tsambikakis, Zöller (ed.): Attorney's commentary on the StGB. DeutscherAnwaltVerlag, Bonn, 2nd edition 2015, ISBN 3824010739 .
  • European and International Criminal Law - Collection of Rules. Heidelberg, 3rd edition 2017, ISBN 3811496166 .

Editorial activity

  • Co-editor of Löwe / Rosenberg: Major Commentary on the Code of Criminal Procedure. 26th edition. De Gruyter, Berlin.
  • Co-editor of a series of publications on European criminal procedural law. Peter Lang , Karlsruhe.
  • Co-editor of a series of publications on white collar crime . Peter Lang, Karlsruhe.
  • Esser, Harich, Lohse, Sinn (eds.): Human rights and their consideration in the context of civil law, administrative law and criminal law. Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag , Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-8305-0909-X .
  • Kühne, Esser, Gerding (ed.): Völkerstrafrecht. Jonscher, Osnabrück 2007, ISBN 3981139917 .
  • Esser / Rübenstahl / Saliger / Tsambikakis (eds.), Commercial criminal law. Dr. Otto-Schmidt publishing house. Cologne. 2017

Web links

Commons : Robert Esser  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Research Center for Human Rights in Criminal Proceedings - Human Rights in Criminal Proceedings (HRCP) , on
  2. See the individual evidence at