Robert F. Coleman

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Robert F. Coleman (1983)

Robert Frederick Coleman (born November 22, 1954 in Glen Cove , Long Island , New York , † March 24, 2014 ) was an American mathematician who dealt with number theory ( p-adic analysis , arithmetic geometry, modular forms ).


Coleman won the Intel Science Talent Search (1972) as a student. He studied at Harvard University (Bachelor 1976) and Cambridge University (with John Coates ) and received his doctorate in 1979 from Princeton University under Kenkichi Iwasawa (Division values ​​in local fields) . As a post-doctoral student he was at Harvard, where he was lecturer and assistant professor with Benjamin Pierce. In 1983 he became an Assistant Professor and in 1988 Professor at the University of California, Berkeley .

In 1985 he was visiting professor at Harvard and Grenoble, in 1988 at the Hebrew University and in 1982 at the University of Paris-South.

Coleman developed a p-adic integration theory ( Coleman integral ) with arithmetic applications such as the study of the torsion points of curves. In 1996 he expanded the definitions of p-adic modular forms given by Jean-Pierre Serre (1973) and Nicholas Katz . With Barry Mazur , he introduced p-adic curves called Eigencurve in 1998 , which parameterize families of p-adic modular forms ( extended to Eigenvariety by Kevin Buzzard ). In 1990 he found and filled a void in Yuri Manin 's proof of the Mordell conjecture in the functional body case.

From 1985 to 1987 he was a student of the Sloan Fellow Program and a 1987 scholarship from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation .

He fought against multiple sclerosis for around 30 years.


  • Torsion points of curves and p-adic abelian integrals , Annals of Mathematics, Volume 121, 1985, pp. 111-168
  • Ramified torsion points on curves , Duke Math. J., Volume 54, 1987, p. 615
  • with Benedict Gross p-adic Heights on Curves , in Coates, Greenberg (editor) Algebraic Number Theory , Academic Press 1989, p. 73
  • p-adic Banach spaces and families of modular forms , Invent. Math., Vol. 127, 1997, pp. 417-479
  • Stable maps of curves , Documenta Mathematica, 2003, Extra Volume Kazuya Kato's Fiftieth Birthday, p. 217
  • Classical and overconvergent modular forms , Inv. Math., Vol. 124, 1996
  • with Barry Mazur: The eigencurve , in: Galois representations in arithmetic algebraic geometry (Durham, 1996), London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 254, Cambridge University Press 1998, pp. 1-113.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ MacArthur Fellows - the first 25 years 1981–2005 , MacArthur Foundation
  2. ^ Robert F. Coleman 1954-2014. Obituary on of March 25, 2014 (accessed March 26, 2014).
  3. Life data according to American Men and Women of Science , Thomson Gale 2004
  4. ^ Mathematics Genealogy Project
  5. ^ Coleman, Manin's proof of the Mordell conjecture over function fields , L'Enseignement Mathématique, Volume 36, 1990, pp. 393-427. Web archives