Robert Joseph McManus

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Coat of arms of Robert Joseph McManus.

Robert Joseph McManus (born July 5, 1951 in Providence , Rhode Island , United States ) is an American clergyman and Roman Catholic bishop of Worcester .


Robert Joseph McManu was ordained a priest on May 27, 1978 .

Pope John Paul II appointed him Auxiliary Bishop in Providence and Titular Bishop of Allegheny on December 1, 1998 . The Bishop of Providence, Robert Edward Mulvee , ordained him episcopal on February 22 of the next year ; Co- consecrators were Kenneth Anthony Angell , Bishop of Burlington , and Louis Edward Gelineau , Old Bishop of Providence. As a motto he chose Christ Veritatis Splendor .

He was named Bishop of Worcester on March 9, 2004, and inducted into office on May 14 of the same year.

Since August 25, 2020, he has also managed the vacant Diocese of Springfield as Apostolic Administrator .

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predecessor Office successor
Daniel Patrick Reilly Bishop of Worcester
since 2004