Robert Politzer

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On the bass at a rehearsal. Younger age, year unknown

Robert Politzer (born November 4, 1939 in Vienna ; † July 4, 2010 ibid) was an Austrian jazz musician ( trumpet , bass , tuba , arrangement , composition ).

Live and act

Politzer studied trumpet at the Vienna Music Academy. From 1957 he was active as a musician in the Viennese jazz scene. He was a member of the ensembles of Horst Winter , Uzzi Förster , Fatty George (from 1959), Johannes Fehring (from 1962), Friedrich Gulda (1965 member of his Euro-Jazz Orchestra ), Hans Koller and Erich Kleinschuster (1967-1970) , in whose recordings he was also involved. From 1965 to 1972 he was employed as a theater musician at the Theater an der Wien; Since 1969 he has been a teacher of jazz trumpet at the Vienna Conservatory , where he headed the jazz department between 1990 and 2000. His students include many younger Austrian jazz trumpeters, such as Franz Koglmann , Franz Hautzinger , Bumi Fian , Hannes Kottek or Andy Haderer . Between 1971 and 1981 he also worked as a trumpeter, composer and arranger for the ORF Big Band . He led the Heavyweight group and, with Heinz Czadek, the nonet Project Two . He also recorded with Helmut Qualtinger .

In 1968 he received a church radio award on ORF for the jazz-soul piece How should we love God . Politzer was buried at the Oberlaa cemetery (group 16, row 11, number 6) in Vienna.

Robert Politzer posing with trumpet, 1988
Robert Politzer's grave

Lexigraphic entries

Web links