Karl Heinz Czadek

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Karl Heinz Czadek (born April 20, 1944 in Vienna , often Heinz Czadek ) is an Austrian trombonist , arranger and composer .


Karl Heinz Czadek studied composition with Francis Burt at the Vienna University of Music and jazz with Erich Kleinschuster and Karl Kowarik at the Vienna Conservatory , the Berklee College of Music and the Eastman School of Music . He then became a trombonist in the ORF Big Band and the Karel Krautgartner Orchestra and worked as a composer for the ORF . From 1973 he was a lecturer in music theory and arrangement at the Vienna Conservatory. At the same time he became a teacher in 1983 at the Jazz Institute of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz . His students include a. Franz Hautzinger , Michael Radanovics , Christian Mühlbacher and Mathias Rüegg . Together with Robert Politzer he founded the nonet Project Two , in which the Viennese jazz bars Jazzland and Zwe u. a. the following musicians could be heard: Art Farmer , Karl Fian , Andy Haderer , Hannes Kottek , Bobby Dodge , Heinz von Hermann , Martin Fuss , Thomas Huber , Erwin Schmidt , Fritz Ozmec .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Project Two