Robert Scott (medic)

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Robert William Scott , also Robert William Schott (born February 2, 1646 in Stirches, Ascrib ; † February 1, 1714 in Celle ) was a Scottish physician and personal physician from the Electorate of Hanover.


Robert Wiliam Scott (also: Schott ) was born on the aristocratic seat of Stirches (incorrectly also: Itsche ) in Scotland and was originally baptized to the Reformed Confession. His parents were believed to be Sir Walter Scott, the fourth Laird of Whitslaid, and Elspeth Stuart of Ormistone. The father, who owned the House of Stirches, had already died in 1651 in the battle of Inverkeithing against troops of Oliver Cromwell .

The coat of arms of Robert Scott used on sealed documents was based on the coat of arms of the Scott clan , to which two animal motifs were added. In the shield it shows a sloping beam with two crescent moons and a star in the middle, sloping from top left to bottom right. In the upper right field there is a deer head, in the lower left a flying eagle.


Scott probably spent his youth in Whitslaid in the south east of Scotland, near the border with England. He was a religious person and after his doctorate at the medical faculty in Angers, France on June 9, 1673, he converted to the Protestant faith in Celle in 1674 while he was working as a field doctor. As a regimental field officer , he was in the service of Duke Georg Wilhelm von Braunschweig-Lüneburg and eventually rose to become the personal medic of the Duke and his troops.

Around 1688 he moved with his family to the Hoppener Haus in Celle and maintained contact with the theologian Johann Wilhelm Petersen , who was his guest and kept correspondence with him. He was also known to the visionary Rosamunde Juliane von der Asseburg . He later became court and personal medicus of Celle in Brunswick-Lüneburg. Around 1705 he was the personal physician of the Elector Ernst August of Hanover and his son Ernst August II of Hanover .

In 1706 Scott received a formal appointment as a doctor for the small court of the exiled Princess of Ahlden , Sophie Dorothea . Also in 1706 Robert Scott was one of the inspectors of the electoral pharmacy in Celle , together with Hofmedicus Heinrich Christoph Ebell (father of Georg Wilhelm Ebell ), the secret chamber and government councilor Albert Andreas von Ramdohr and the court pharmacist Johann Peter Finger ( At the Stadtkirche 1 ; today's museum café) and was with these colleagues signatories of a document issued on October 3, 1706 in the name of Duke Georg Ludwig . It was stated that the previous journeyman in the farm pharmacy, Ewald Jäger from Schleswig, had proven " efficient and well-behaved " and had complied with his resignation after he had been appointed to the council pharmacist in Hanover " through proper vocation " be.

Family and offspring

Scott was first married to Marthe Lafleur, and on November 7, 1686, he married Sophia Rosina Reinbeck († 1728; called Rosie Sophie Scott ), sister of the mayor of Lüneburg and half-sister of Johann Wilhelm Reinbeck , a daughter of Johann Reinbeck (* January 15, 1640 in Lüneburg; † July 2, 1704 ibid). Scott had 16 children, six of whom were still alive when he died:

  • Johanna Amalia Scott; ⚭ Joseph du Bois, preacher in Hameln
  • Nympha Margaretha Scott (1683-1763); ⚭ 1710 with Johann Gustav Reinbeck , theologian and provost in Berlin
    • Otto Sigmund Reinbeck (1727–1805), archdeacon at the Petrikirche in Cölln on the Spree
  • Eleonora Sophia Scott
  • Louise Rosina Schott
  • Jeremias Johann Scot (* 1689), secretary and probably English ambassador to Poland around 1713
  • Guillaume Benjamin Scot (* 1692; † 1714)
  • Maria Anna Sophia Schott (* 1696)
  • Eleonor Dorothee Scott (* 1697)
  • Susanne Elisabeth Scott (* 1701; † 1714)

Literature and web links

  • Markus Matthias: Johann Wilhelm and Johanna Eleonora Petersen: A biography until Petersen's impeachment in 1692 (= work on the history of Pietism. Vol. 30). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1993, ISBN 3-525-55814-7 (also: Erlangen, Nürnberg, Univ., Diss., 1988); Page 282 ff ( online ).
  • Martin Stolzenau: Was Dr. Robert Scott of royal descent? in: Cellesche Zeitung , Sachsenspiegel from September 13, 2014 ( online , access June 22, 2020)
  • Andreas Flick: Was the ducal personal physician Dr. Robert Scott of royal descent? in: Cellesche Zeitung , from September 28, 2014 ( online , access June 22, 2020)
  • Matthias Blazek: The drug store is going into private hands. The history of the farm pharmacy in Celle - Part 2 in: Cellesche Zeitung , Sachsenspiegel from April 16, 2016 ( online , access June 22, 2020)
  • Lampe, Joachim: Aristocracy, court nobility and state patriciate in Kurhannover: Volume: Official lists and pedigrees ; 1963, page 535. ( Limited preview at ; inspection June 13, 2020)

Individual evidence

  1. Martin Stolzenau, in Cellesche Zeitung , Sachsenspiegel of September 13, 2014
  2. ^ Andreas Flick in Cellesche Zeitung , September 28, 2014
  3. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, online as archival document: Apparatus diplomaticus - main document inventory app. dipl. 464
  4. ^ Matthias Blazek in Cellesche Zeitung , Sachsenspiegel from April 16, 2016
  5. Entry on, viewed on June 23, 2020
  6. Joachim Lampe: Aristocracy, Court Nobility and State Patriziat in Kurhannover , Volume 24, Part 2, Issue 1 (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1963) p. 234 ( limited preview at ; inspection June 13, 2020)