Robert Zimmerling

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Robert Zimmerling

Robert Zimmerling (born August 30, 1924 in Bremerhaven , † March 14, 2005 in Nörten-Hardenberg ) was a German actor .


Zimmerling completed his acting training first in Bremerhaven and later in Berlin, where he also received his first engagements. For many years he also played at the Deutsches Theater in Göttingen .

The stage actor Zimmerling only became known to a wide audience at an advanced age when he played the second leading role alongside Fritz Hollenbeck (in the title role) with estate inspector Karl Hawermann in the NDR series Uncle Bräsig, which was filmed based on motifs by the Low German writer Fritz Reuter .

Image by Robert Zimmerling
Robert Zimmerling

In his mid-sixties Zimmerling played a few other, sporadically recurring series roles such as Oskar Huckstreter in the ZDF early evening series Der Landarzt . He also played in television productions such as Egon Monk's multi-part series Die Bertinis (based on the novel of the same name by Ralph Giordano ) and guest roles in TV series such as Die Wache . Zimmerling was particularly popular in his role as Hubert Koch , whom he played in the ARD series Lindenstrasse from 1988 until his serial death eight years later . His last TV appearance was a few months before his death in the ZDF series Die Rettungsflieger .

The passionate sailor last lived in Nörten-Hardenberg (southern Lower Saxony).

Filmography (selection)

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