Roberto Fico

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Roberto Fico (2018)

Roberto Fico (born October 10, 1974 in Naples ) is an Italian politician of the Movimento 5 Stelle . He has been President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament since March 2018 .

life and career

Fico studied communication science and music history at the University of Trieste until 2001 with an Erasmus stay at the University of Helsinki . He completed his studies with a thesis on the “social and linguistic identity of Neapolitan neo-melodic music” and with distinction. He then worked in the communications industry, at press offices, in a call center, as a hotel manager, in the office of a tour operator and at an import company for Moroccan textiles.

Fico founded the group Amici di Beppe Grillo ("Friends of Beppe Grillo") in Naples in 2005 , a forerunner of the Movimento 5 Stelle ("Five Star Movement") party founded in 2009 by cabaret artist Beppe Grillo . Fico is therefore counted among the " grillini of the first hour". Within the party, he is considered a representative of the left wing. For the regional election in Campania 2010, Fico stood as the top candidate of the five-star movement and received 1.3% of the vote. In the mayoral election in Naples the following year he got 1.4%.

However, until the Italian parliamentary elections in March 2013 , the 5 position increased in popularity and Fico was elected to the Camera dei deputati as a member of the Campania region. As a representative of the largest opposition faction, he chaired the parliamentary committee for the supervision of public broadcasting ( Rai ). In December 2016, the parliamentary group of the 5th position elected him deputy chairman. In the parliamentary election in March 2018 , Fico won the direct mandate in the Naples 19 constituency ( Fuorigrotta ) with 57% of the vote. He was then elected President of the Camera dei deputati on March 24, 2018 with 422 of the 630 votes.

Web links

  • Member profile on the Camera dei deputati website
  • Biography on the website of the President of the Camera dei deputati

Individual evidence

  1. a b Felice Naddeo: Roberto Fico, dal call center alla presidenza della Camera dei Deputati. In: Corriere del Mezzogiorno , March 24, 2018.
  2. a b Chi è Roberto Fico, il nuovo presidente della Camera. In: , March 24, 2018.
  3. Roberto Fico In:
  4. a b c Storia breve di Roberto Fico, nuovo presidente della Camera. In: il Post , March 24, 2018.