Roger Liebi

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Roger Liebi (2007)

Roger Liebi (born September 4, 1958 ) is an evangelical Bible translator and exegete .


Liebi studied music ( Conservatory and University of Music Zurich , violin and piano), theology and languages ​​of the biblical world ( Greek , classical and modern Hebrew , Aramaic , Akkadian ) and received his doctorate from Whitefield Theological Seminary in Florida with a dissertation on the Second Temple in Jerusalem in the departments of Judaic Studies and Archeology of the New Testament .

Among other things, Liebi worked on the third revision of the Schlachter Bible . From 2004 to 2011, he taught archeology in Israel and the Middle East at the state-independent Theological University in Basel . He also gives lectures and publishes writings on a wide range of topics. In his apologetic work he starts from the infallibility of the Bible and takes a creationist standpoint.


  • Prophecy fulfilled. Messianic prophecy - its fulfillment and historical authenticity . Schwengeler, Berneck 1983. - 4th edition under the title: The promised redeemer. Messianic prophecy - its fulfillment and historical authenticity. Beröa, Zurich 1994. - Changed new edition: Christian literature distribution, Bielefeld 2007 ( online ; PDF; 452 kB).
  • World history in the sights of the prophet Daniel. Schwengeler, Berneck 1986. - 8th, revised edition: Christian Literature Distribution, Bielefeld 2009 ( online ; PDF; 3.8 MB).
  • Introduction to the four gospels. Beröa, Zurich 1990.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Between ideal and abyss. Schwengeler, Berneck 1991.
  • Is the Bible Reliable? The Bible - its authority and reliability. Beröa, Zurich 1992.
  • Israel and the fate of Iraq. Middle East trouble spot in the light of the Bible. Schwengeler, Berneck 1993.
  • The new Europe - hope or illusion? Schwengeler, Berneck 1994.
  • Jerusalem - an obstacle to world peace? The drama of the Jewish temple. Schwengeler, Berneck 1994. - 6th, revised edition: Christian literature distribution, Bielefeld 2014 ( online ; PDF; 15.1 MB).
  • (with Joel Prohin :) Livre des Proverbes (= Sondez les Ecritures, 5). Bibles et Publications Chrétiennes, Valence 1995.– German translation: Das Buch der Sprüche. CMV Hagedorn, Düsseldorf 2017.
  • (with Joel Prohin :) Le prophète Ezéchiel (= Sondez les Ecritures, 9). Bibles et Publications Chrétiennes, Valence 1995. - German translation: Ezekiel. CLKV, Pfäffikon / CMV Hagedorn, Düsseldorf 2011.
  • The Messiah in the Temple. The symbolism of the Second Temple in the light of the New Testament. Christian literature distribution, Bielefeld / Schwengeler, Berneck 2003 ( online ; PDF; 15.8 MB).
  • Origin and development of languages. Linguistics versus evolution. Hänssler, Holzgerlingen 2003. - 4th, revised edition: Christian Literature Distribution, Bielefeld 2018 ( online ; PDF; 4.6 MB).
  • Speaking in tongues or speaking in tongues? Christian literature distribution, Bielefeld 2006 ( online ; PDF; 1.1 MB).
  • Are we really living in the end times? More than 175 prophecies fulfilled. Midnight call, Dübendorf 2012.
  • The Bible - absolutely believable! Christian literature distribution, Bielefeld 2017 ( online ; PDF; 20.9 MB).
  • And He came to Jerusalem. The Passion Week of the Lord Jesus Christ re-viewed from its Jewish background , Edition Nehemia, Steffisburg 2020 ( online ; excerpt).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. curriculum vitae | Roger Liebi. Retrieved August 1, 2017 .
  2. ^ Author page of the CLV publishing house. Retrieved May 13, 2019 .
  3. Biblical Archive-Vegelahn
  4. Theology Studies - Faculty (academic year 2008/2009). Visiting lecturers. (No longer available online.) State-independent Theological University Basel, archived from the original on February 8, 2009 ; accessed on January 19, 2019 : “ Dr. theol. Roger Liebi (Environment and Archeology of the Old Testament) "