Roland Lhotta

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Roland Lhotta (born April 11, 1962 in Düsseldorf ) is a German political scientist .


Lhotta obtained his general university entrance qualification in Ratingen in 1981 . He then studied political science, sociology and German at the University of Düsseldorf from 1981 to 1987 as well as law at the University of Cologne . In 1987 he completed his studies at the University of Düsseldorf as a Magister Artium. After a doctoral scholarship, he was awarded a doctorate there in 1994 with a thesis on constitutional jurisdiction and federalism (see below). phil. PhD . From 1999 to 2001 Lhotta was director of the Institute for Political Science at the University of Bremen.

Since 2004 Lhotta has held the " Professorship for Political Science, especially the Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany" at the Helmut Schmidt University / University of the Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg .


  • Imperial constitutional jurisdiction and federalism. The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council and the BNA Act , Baden-Baden 1995, Univ. Düsseldorf 1994. ISBN 3-7890-3837-7 ( dissertation )
  • Federalism in the Federal Republic of Germany , 2nd, completely revised. Ed., Opladen: Leske & Budrich 2004
  • as editor: The integration of the modern state. On the topicality of integration theory by Rudolf Smend , Baden-Baden: 2005 ISBN 3-8329-1421-8
    • therein: Rudolf Smend's Theory of Integration and the Institutional Recovery of the Political in the Modern State of Permanent Transition , pp. 35–67.
  • with Oliver Lembcke , Verena Frick (eds.): Politics and Law. Outlines of a political science research field. Baden-Baden: Nomos , 2017, ISBN 978-3-8487-3682-9 .

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