Rolf Schulz

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Rolf Schulz

Rolf Schulz (* 27. August 1942 in Thorn ; † 9. January 2018 in Santiago de los Caballeros , Dominican Republic ) was a German engineer and performance - artist residing in the Dominican Republic.


His art project Brüllwald , a fantastic sound drama from the Sachsenwald, was recorded on record in 1984. At the end of September 1989, he pulled a horse and cart loaded with a heavy tropical tree along the Berlin Wall to Checkpoint Charlie to draw attention to the dying forest in the Amazon. This performance Coma Amazonica was documented on video by the director David Vostell .

The Castillo Mundo King is an imaginatively designed building in Sosúa on the north coast of the Dominican Republic, which was designed and started in 1991 by Rolf Schulz and which houses his private collection of over 1000 works of art from the neighboring state of Haiti . Construction is still ongoing. The works of art are mostly sculptures and paintings. Schulz himself lived extremely modestly in a side wing of the building and guided visitors through the museum.

After Rolf Schulz died on January 9, 2018, a memorial service was held for him on Saturday afternoon, January 27, in the Castillo Mundo King Museum in Sosúa.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. sosuanachrichten January 13, 2018
  2. Record recording "Brüllwald"
  3. ^ Coma Amazonica, 1989
  4. sosuanachrichten January 31, 2018