Rolf Tillmann

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Rolf Tillmann (born January 25, 1895 in Löbtau as Rudolf Wilhelm Arthur Tillmann ; † April 8, 1985 in Stockach ) was a German painter .


Rolf Tillmann was the son of the typesetter Friedrich Wilhelm Tillmann. He finished five semesters at the private art school The Path - School of Design of Edmund Kesting . From 1924 to 1928 he studied at the Dresden Art Academy with Otto Gussmann and Ludwig von Hofmann .

In 1920 Rolf Tillmann designed the title page of the double issue 27/28 of the journal Die Aktion, published by Franz Pfemfert . Tillmann joined the group in 1930 around Adolf Brockmann , Gustav Mennicke , Gustav Alfred Müller and Otto Westphal-Rudolstadt . Two years later he was a founding member of the Dresden Secession in 1932 . It is listed on the sketch of the founding event by Bernhard Kretzschmar . In the catalog for the first exhibition of the Dresden Secession in 1932 in the Saxon Art Association on Brühl's Terrace , he wrote an article entitled Freedom of Art - Freedom for the Artist .

In the work of Rolf Tillmann there are playful geometric works as well as neo-objective and sometimes even surrealist works. Rolf Tillmann was on the one hand ASSO close and was considered for the " seizure " of the Nazis in 1933 as no longer eligible. On the other hand, Otto Griebel writes that his colleague from the Secession, Tillmann, “switched to the Nazis and wore the swastika on his coat; but with the success that he was treated with contempt from both sides, the Nazis and us ”.

Tillmann's early work was lost in the air raids on Dresden in February 1945. Tillmann withdrew after the war and lived unnoticed in Dresden-Cotta.

In 1971 Tillmann came to Mahlspüren im Tal and from there he participated in several exhibitions in Hilzingen , Konstanz , Meersburg , Randegg , Singen (Hohentwiel) and Stockach.

The date of death of Rolf Tillmann is unknown in the literature.


  • Karin Müller-Kelwing: Rolf Tillmann . In: Birgit Dalbajewa (ed.): New Objectivity in Dresden . Sandstein Verlag, Dresden 2011, ISBN 978-3-942422-57-4 , p. 306 .
  • Karin Müller-Kelwing: The Dresden Secession 1932 . Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim 2010, ISBN 978-3-487-14397-2 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Birth register of the StA Löbtau, No. 73/1895
  2. Death register StA Stockach, No. 55/1985
  3. title page . In: Franz Pfemfert (ed.): The action . Xth year, no. 27/28 . Verlag Die Aktion, Berlin 1920 ( digitized title page in the Museum of Modern Art ).
  4. Karin Müller-Kelwing: The Dresden Secession 1932 . Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim 2010, ISBN 978-3-487-14397-2 , pp. 560 .
  5. Otto Griebel: I was a man on the street. Memories of a Dresden painter . Mitteldeutscher Verlag, Halle 1986, ISBN 3-354-00081-3 , p. 211 .
  6. ^ Home chronicle of the city of Stockach and its districts. In: Hegau - magazine for history, folklore and natural history of the area between the Rhine, Danube and Lake Constance . Self-published by the Hegau history association Singen e. V. Yearbook 1992/93, p. 379.
  7. Müller-Kelwing (2010), p. 192 sees the last trace of Rolf Tillmann in a letter to the Dresden University of Fine Arts, written on June 22, 1970. Rolf Tillmann should not be confused with the Cologne painter, who was born around 1943 Rolf Tillmann "Vincent".
  8. Karin Müller-Kelwing: Rolf Tillmann . In: Birgit Dalbajewa (ed.): New Objectivity in Dresden . Sandstein Verlag, Dresden 2011, ISBN 978-3-942422-57-4 , p. 306 .