Gustav Alfred Müller

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Gustav Alfred Müller (born December 7, 1895 in Löbtau (now part of Dresden ), † March 20, 1978 in Löbau ) was a German painter, graphic artist and lithographer .


Gustav Alfred Müller was born in Löbtau in 1895 as the son of a worker. After attending school in Dresden and from 1904 in Chemnitz , he did an apprenticeship as a draftsman and lithographer at the graphic art institute Arthur Geil in Chemnitz from 1910 to 1914 . In 1915 he had a brief job at the art publisher Eckert & Pflug in Leipzig and then began studying with Richard Guhr at the Applied Arts Academy in Dresden with the help of a scholarship from the Chemnitz Theodor Esche Foundation . The studies were interrupted by the draft for military service and further military service until 1918. From 1919 to 1923 he studied again at the Dresden Applied Arts Academy. From 1923 to 1927 further studies followed at the Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden , where his teachers included Max Feldbauer , Ferdinand Dorsch , Otto Gussmann and Ludwig von Hofmann . He has received several certificates of recognition and certificates of honor from the Academy.

After completing his studies, Müller worked as a freelance painter in Dresden from 1927 . From 1930 to 1932 he was a member of the group of artists Gruppe 1930 , a spin-off from Asso Dresden . The group in 1930 then joined the Dresden Secession in 1932 . In 1932 he became a member of the Reich Association of Visual Artists . After he got married in 1932, he moved to Löbau in Upper Lusatia that same year . In 1941 he was banned from working and exhibiting. From 1939 until 1945 he was obliged to work in the Army Munitions Plant in Zeithain .

In 1945 Müller became a member of the Kulturbund and was one of the founders of the art union in the FDGB and the Association of Visual Artists . From 1945 to 1951 he initially worked as an art teacher in the school service, then headed folk art circles and then withdrew from public life. From the 1960s he was only active as a freelance painter and graphic artist. Müller died in Löbau in 1978, his grave is in the local cemetery.


During his studies at the Dresden Academy, I also got to know Otto Dix , whose style of expression can also be seen in Müller's works. In his paintings and drawings one finds predominantly factory and city landscapes and motifs of his Saxon homeland, but also milieu studies and portraits. In these studies and portraits, he relentlessly described the living conditions of the workers at that time. Even at times dependent on support, he knew about the needs and worries of those he portrayed and did not skimp on social criticism.

“People who are on the side of the eternal losers take center stage in the artist's imagery. Sympathy and sincere compassion shape his view. "

- Kornelia Roeder

Works (selection)

  • Unemployed , 1922
  • Standing female nude , charcoal drawing 1924
  • Girl on a meadow slope , watercolor 1925
  • Plauen , watercolor on cardboard 1925
  • Refugees , 1925
  • After work , 1925
  • Environmental study , coal
  • Woman with girl , charcoal on yellowish paper
  • View of Mügeln , 1928
  • Self-Mangle , an anti-war triptych 1932
  • At the Vierwaldstätter See - Lucerne and the local mountain Pilatus
  • View from Peschiera to Garda and Monte Baldo
  • Landscape with trees , watercolor over pencil 1946


  • 1924: Dresden Art Cooperative / Dresden Secession
  • 1929: Saxon Art Association in Dresden
  • 1935: Artists see the Upper Lusatian homeland , Löbau
  • 1946–1949: Lusatian visual artists exhibit, Löbau
  • 1959: Löbau's city museum shows works by GA Müller
  • 1979: Gustav Alfred Müller: paintings, watercolors, drawings, lithographs . Gallery at Sachsenplatz in Leipzig, January 1979
  • 1979: Zittau City Museum
  • 1981: Galerie Unter den Linden, Berlin
  • 1982: Galerie Kühl , Dresden
  • 1982: Museums of the City of Bautzen, City Museum


  • Kornelia Röder: Gustav Alfred Müller . In: 120 hand drawings from five centuries: selected from the Kupferstichkabinett of the State Museum Schwerin . Kunstforum Grundkreditbank (ed.), Berlin 1992, p. 156 f.
  • Gisela Schulz, Hans-Peter Schulz: Gustav Alfred Müller: painting, watercolors, drawings, lithographs . Galerie am Sachsenplatz, Leipzig 1978

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Grave site in Löbau
  2. Kornelia Röder: In: 120 hand drawings […] , see literature
  3. a b images ( memento of March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) at the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden