Dresden Secession 1932

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The Dresden Secession 1932 was formed in 1932 at a time when the economic and political framework for artists had deteriorated significantly. The group stood for artistic freedom and independence and also campaigned for the interests of artists in terms of art politics.


In June 1932 the Dresden Secession 1932 was founded . Bernhard Kretzschmar captured the group in a drawing in 1933. The Dresden Secession was founded in 1932 in the context of the global economic crisis . The economic and political framework conditions for free and independent artistic creation had deteriorated significantly. The two established associations, the Dresden Artists 'Association and the Dresden Art Cooperative , were powerless to confront this development and, despite the existing exhibition opportunities, were unable to improve their members' income opportunities. Against this background, the Dresden Secession took part in 1932 against “club dairy” and “outdated guilds”. The group stood for artistic freedom and independence, offered exhibition opportunities and campaigned for unconditional municipal and state art funding. In contrast to the Dresden Secession Group in 1919 , the Dresden Secession in 1932 did not strive for a common, homogeneous group style.

When it was founded, numerous members from other artist groups joined the Dresden Secession in 1932 : among them were members of the Abstract Group , the Action , the ASSO Dresden , the New Dresden Secession 1931 , the 1930 Group , the Dresden Artists Group and the Independent Community .

The first exhibition of the Dresden Secession 1932 took place in September 1932 . In 1933 two more exhibitions were held in Dresden. The group got involved politically with open letters and initiated the interest cartel of the Saxon artist associations . The Dresden Secession in 1932 took part in the Saxon Art Exhibition in 1934 and protested as a group against the non-admission of works by Otto Dix , Maj Hemberg and Robert Schaller . In December 1934, the group was officially recognized by the Reich Chamber of Fine Arts (RKdbK), but had to contend with numerous difficulties from 1935: A planned exhibition in Berlin was no longer approved, and the Reich Chamber of Fine Arts accepted the board member “Working committee” of the group no longer. The group was not allowed to participate in state-organized exhibitions from 1935 onwards.

The Dresden Secession 1932 exhibited in 1936 in the art exhibition Kühl and in the Kunstverein Altenburg and Freiberg Kunstverein . After that, no further exhibition of the group is known.


During the four years of its existence , the Dresden Secession in 1932 had an average of 25 to 30 members.

The people of the Dresden Secession 1932 depicted on the drawing by Kretzschmar in the catalog of the “Joint Exhibition of 3 Artist Groups Dresden 1933” are marked with (Z).

Core group

Other members


As guests at exhibitions:


A total of seven exhibitions of the Dresden Secession took place in 1932 :

  • 1932: Dresden, Dresden Secession 1932. 1st exhibition , September 1 - October 15, 1932, Brühlsche Terrasse, in the back rooms of the Saxon Art Association
  • 1933: Dresden, joint exhibition 3 artist groups Dresden 1933 , August 18 - October 15, 1933, in the New Municipal Exhibition Building on Lennéstrasse of the Dresden Artists' Association
  • 1933: Dresden, Christmas aid of the Dresden Secession , December 16, 1933 - January 1943, in the upper rooms of the Arnold Gallery
  • 1934: Dresden, Saxon Art Exhibition 1934 , June 16 - August 19, 1934, Exhibition Palace and in the New Municipal Exhibition Building on Lennéstrasse
  • 1936: Altenburg, Land und Menschen , May 17 - July 5, 1936
  • 1936: Dresden, Dresden Secession , September 20 - October 25, 1936, art exhibition Kühl
  • 1936: Freiberg, Dresden Secession. Country and people , October 4th - Christmas 1936

See also


  • Karin Müller-Kelwing: The Dresden Secession 1932 . Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim 2010, ISBN 978-3-487-14397-2 .
  • Christoph Wilhelmi: Dresden Secession 1932 . In: Groups of artists in Germany, Austria and Switzerland since 1900: a manual . Hauswedell, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 978-3-7762-1106-1 , p. 116-118 .

Individual evidence

  1. Petra Jacoby: Collectivization of the imagination? - Artist groups in the GDR between appropriation and inventiveness , transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2007, p. 99 ff.
  2. Quoted from: Karin Müller-Kelwing: Die Dresdner Sezession 1932 . Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim 2010, ISBN 978-3-487-14397-2 , pp. 348 .