Româneşti cave

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Peştera Româneşti

Concert in the Româneşti Cave

Concert in the Româneşti Cave

Location: Româneşti , Timiş County , Banat , Romania
45 ° 47 '24 "  N , 22 ° 21' 0"  E Coordinates: 45 ° 47 '24 "  N , 22 ° 21' 0"  E
Româneşti Cave (Romania)
Româneşti cave
Discovery: 1872
Overall length: 1450 m

The Româneşti Cave ( Romanian Peştera Româneşti , also Peştera Mare de la Fereşeşti or Peştera cu Apă ) is the most famous cave in the Poiana Ruscă Mountains . The cave is located southeast of the village of Româneşti in Timiş County , Banat , Romania and is known for the symphonic concerts that are performed here every year by the Banat Philharmonic of the City of Timişoara .


The Româneşti Cave extends over three floors for a total length of 1450 meters. The main entrance is 9.5 meters wide and 2 meters high, which allows a view of up to 70 meters. The bat hall is populated by a bat colony. The temperature is 14 degrees Celsius.


Theodor Ortvay-Orthmayr did his first speleological research in the 19th century (1872). Archaeological excavations in 1949 revealed the bones of a cave bear ( Ursus Spelaeus ) and ceramics from the Neolithic . A grain store and ceramic parts from the Tisza and Coțofeni culture as well as a fireplace were uncovered. These are now in the Banat Museum in Timișoara, where the bones of the cave bear are also found.


The Românesti Cave is known for its impressive acoustics . The first concert took place on September 27, 1984 at the suggestion of the Timisoara doctor and mountain friend Constantin Lupu and was given by the teachers of the Timişoara music school Ion Vidu .

The good response at home and abroad prompted the organizers to hold further concerts of this kind. The concert now takes place every year on the third Sunday in October. So far orchestras, soloists and music lovers from over 35 countries have taken part in the concerts. The attendance record was 4000 tickets sold. Because of the high humidity in the cave, the concerts last a maximum of 90 minutes.


The approach is via the national road (Romanian: Drum Național ) DN68A Deva - Lugoj and then in the direction of Coșava - Valea lui Liman - Românești . The last section is a one-hour walk from Româneşti village to the cave.

Individual evidence

  1. , Peştera Româneşti
  2. a b c , Românesti
  3. , concert in the Româneşti cave
  4. , Another cave concert in Românesti