Red breast spotted cichlid

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Red breast spotted cichlid
Order : Cichliformes
Family : Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Subfamily : Cichlinae
Tribe : Cichlasomatini
Genre : Laetacara
Type : Red breast spotted cichlid
Scientific name
Laetacara dorsigera
( Heckel , 1840)

The red-breast-Tüpfelbuntbarsch even Tüpfelbuntbarsch ( Laetacara dorsigera , Syn. : Aequidens dorsigerus ) is a peaceful freshwater ornamental fish of cichlids that of Johann Jakob Heckel was described in 1840 for the first time.


The male grows up to 8 cm and the female up to 6 cm. The colors vary in the brown-green-gray area.

Fin formula  : dorsal XV / 7, anal III / 7, pectoral 15.



The red breast spotted cichlid occurs in tropical South America , in the Amazon region , Río Mamoré in Bolivia to the Río Paraná in Argentina and in the Río Paraguay . The waters there have the following water values:

  • a pH of 6.0 to 7.2
  • a KH value of 2 to 7
  • a GH value of 2 to 17 ° d
  • a temperature of 20 to 25 ° C


Like all spotted cichlids, the red breast spotted cichlid is an open breeder . After courtship, the female usually lays the eggs in a prepared pit or on a flat stone that has been extensively cleaned beforehand. The immediate vicinity of the clutch is aggressively defended against any intruder. The fish have a more intense coloration during the brood.


Dark aquariums with an edge length of at least 80 centimeters with lots of plants and retreats meet the demands of this somewhat shy species. The fish should be kept in pairs as they are largely monogamous.

In soft and slightly acidic water, the fish develop their full color.


After courtship, the female usually lays the eggs in a prepared pit or on a flat stone that has been extensively cleaned beforehand. The immediate vicinity of the clutch is aggressively defended against any intruder. Depending on the water temperature, they hatch after approx. 40 to 55 hours. After about five days, the fry swim free and should be fed with rotifers or paramecia, as they can not cope with even newly hatched Artemia nauplii. Dust feed can also be used, but, as with many species of cichlid, is rarely accepted. The fish grow relatively slowly and reach their full body size after about 9 months.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Günther Sterba: Freshwater fish of the world . Weltbild Verlag., Augsburg 2002, ISBN 3-89350-991-7 .
  2. Laetacara dorsigera with pictures