Red-collar lichen bear

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Red-collar lichen bear
Red-collar lichen bear (Atolmis rubricollis)

Red-collar lichen bear ( Atolmis rubricollis )

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Owl butterfly (Erebidae)
Subfamily : Bear Moth (Arctiinae)
Genre : Atolmis
Type : Red-collar lichen bear
Scientific name
Atolmis rubricollis
( Linnaeus , 1758)
Red-collar lichen bear caterpillar
Doll of the red-collar lichen bear

The red-collar lichen bear ( Atolmis rubricollis ) is a butterfly ( moth ) from the subfamily of the bear moth (Arctiinae).


The moths have a wingspan of 25 to 35 millimeters. They have completely black wings and legs, the body is also black apart from a bright red to orange cuff on the thorax , only the abdomen is yellow-orange to red-orange in color.

The caterpillars are about 27 millimeters long. They have a dark gray basic color and are marbled yellowish-white. There are six red-colored point warts on each segment, from which tufts of hair grow. Two inclined white stripes are conspicuous on the black head capsule.


They occur all over Europe to the east of the Amur in mixed and coniferous forests , in places especially in the latter quite frequently. They prefer humid, cool stream valleys in mountainous locations and live on spruce but also on red beech , oak and pine .

Way of life

The animals are nocturnal, but also fly during the day.

Flight and caterpillar times

The moths fly from the beginning of May to July, the caterpillars are found from August to September.

Food of the caterpillars

The caterpillars feed on lichens that grow on deciduous and coniferous trees, such as common yellow lichen ( Xanthoria parietina ).


The females lay their eggs in groups on branches. Occasionally one can observe mass increases. The caterpillars overwinter as a pupa in a brown-gray web hidden under moss .



  • Heiko Bellmann : The new Kosmos butterfly guide. Butterflies, caterpillars and forage plants. Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-440-09330-1 .
  • Manfred Koch : We determine butterflies. Volume 2: Bears, Spinners, Swarmers and Drills in Germany. 2nd, expanded edition. Neumann, Radebeul / Berlin 1964, DNB 452481929 , p. 84f.
  • Hans-Josef Weidemann, Jochen Köhler: Moths. Weirdos and hawkers. Naturbuch-Verlag, Augsburg 1996, ISBN 3-89440-128-1 .

Web links

Commons : Rotkragen-Lichenbärchen  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files