Route of the industrial culture Rhine-Main Mainz

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Logo of the Route of Industrial Culture Rhine-Main

The Route of Industrial Culture Rhine-Main Mainz is a section of the Route of Industrial Culture Rhine-Main in the Rhineland-Palatinate state capital Mainz . The project tries to develop monuments of industrial history in the Rhine-Main area .

List of routes in Mainz


object Year of origin description image
Mainz main station 1884 Formerly the longest platform hall in Germany Mainz Hauptbahnhof with right wing.jpg
Sektkellerei Kupferberg 1856 Foundation building with grape hall Grape Hall.jpg
Former spice mill 1938/1950 U-shaped complex with a mill tower Mz-gewuerz.jpg
Former Rosbach brickworks 1904 Rare evidence of brickworks production in the Rhine-Main area
Portland cement works
Railway bridge south 1860-62 First Mainz railway bridge over the Rhine Main estuary 060720.jpg
Former gas works 1853-1855 First gas works in Mainz
Winterhafen swing bridge 1877 is one of the oldest swing bridges still in existence Swing bridge at the Winterhafen.jpg
Former lamp factory 1899 Red brick facade based on plans by Gustav Peisker
Theodor Heuss Bridge 1882-85 Based on plans by Friedrich von Thiersch and Bernhard Bilfinger Mainz-Theodor-Heuss-Bruecke-2005-05-16a.jpg
Customs and inland port 1880-87 created in the course of the Rhine regulation Mainz-Zollhafen1898.jpg
Former military bakery around 1900 known as the "New Provision Office" Neues Proviantamt.jpg
Iron foundry Römheld & Moelle 1906 sophisticated functional buildings
Kaiserbrücke 1901-1904 Original arch construction Kaiserbruecke Mainz01.JPG
Erdal (Werner & Mertz) 1908 "Frog Tower" with the trademark Erdal-Turm seitlich.jpg
Kraftwerke Mainz-Wiesbaden AG former cleaning and regeneration building
Schott glass 1951-1953 Chimney group and administration building by the architect Peter Neufert 2014-06-06 Schott Glas - chimney group and administration building architect Ernst Neufert 1951-1953.jpg
Former wagon factory 1896-1910 based on plans by Franz Philipp Gill Waggonfabrik.jpg
Former engine hall 1906 shut down in the 1940s
Former "Royal Canned Food Factory" 1873/74 served to secure the military supply of food Army canning factory Mainz 2.JPG


  • Route of industrial culture Rhein-Main Mainz: No. 2 local route guide, 20 objects of industrial history in Mainz; 2004
  • Schirmbeck, Peter (ed.): Route of industrial culture. 40 stations between Bingen and Aschaffenburg , Frankfurt am Main, Nest Verlag 2003, 104 pages, 40 b / w photos, ISBN 3-925850-47-3
  • Bebenburg, Sabine von (project leader): Route der Industriekultur Rhein-Main , ed. from «KulturRegion Frankfurt RheinMain», Frankfurt am Main, Societäts-Verlag 2006, 158 p., numerous. Color illustration, ISBN 3-7973-0960-0
  • Kulturregion RheinMain (Ed.): Route of Industrial Culture, Identity and Change, Volume 2, CoCon-Verlag, Hanau 2009, ISBN 978-3-937774-70-1 , 240 pages, brochure, with over 300 illustrations

Web links

Commons : Route der Industriekultur Rhein-Main Mainz  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files