Soot throttle

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Soot throttle
Soot Thrush (Turdus nigrescens)

Soot Thrush ( Turdus nigrescens )

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Family : Thrushes (Turdidae)
Subfamily : Turdinae
Genre : Real thrushes ( Turdus )
Type : Soot throttle
Scientific name
Turdus nigrescens
Cabanis , 1861

The soot thrush ( Turdus nigrescens ) is a large- growing thrush species that is endemic to the highlands of Costa Rica and western Panama .


The soot throttle is 24-25.5 cm long and weighs an average of 96 g. The adult male is brownish-black with black wings and tail. It has a black area between the orange beak and the eye. The legs and the bare eye ring are orange, the iris light gray. The female looks similar, but is brown and slightly paler and has shiny yellow-orange parts. The young resemble the adult female. They have orange stripes on the head and upper plumage and dark spots on the underside.

Way of life and behavior

The bird species lives in areas of open spaces and preferably on the edges of oak forests . The soot throttle lives in areas which are usually over 2200 m above sea level. She builds grass-lined nests 2–8 m above the ground in trees . The female lays two inconspicuous, greenish-blue eggs between March and May.

The sootbird eats on the ground, singly or in pairs. The main sources of food are insects , arachnids and fruits (especially the heather family and numerous nightshade family ).

She is famous for her singing with gurgles.


Web links

Commons : Sootbird ( Turdus nigrescens )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files