Ruedi Homberger

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Ruedi Homberger (born May 13, 1940 in Chur ; † January 6, 2020 there ) was a Swiss photographer , filmmaker , extreme mountaineer , mountain guide and mountain pilot.


Ruedi Homberger grew up in Arosa and completed an apprenticeship as a photographer in his parents' business.

In 1966 he took over the business, and "Hombi", as he was called, also worked as a landscape and mountain photographer. He gave lectures all over Europe and published several works about his mountain and climbing tours, his travels and expeditions in Alaska, the Pamirs, the Caucasus, the Himalayas, South America and the USA.

Ruedi Homberger died as a result of the crash in his small plane on December 29, 2019 near Arosa.

First and second ascent (selection)

  • 1964 connecting ridge Stockhorn– Bietschhorn . With Erich Friedli.
  • 1972 Second ascent of the English route in the east face of Piz Badile . With Hansjürg Wellenzohn.
  • 1974 Second ascent of the Free Nardella route on Piz Badile with Toni Holdener.
  • 1977 Second ascent of the drop pillars on Piz Badile with Paul Muggli.

Works (selection)

  • Tectonic Arena Sadona: Fascination UNESCO World Heritage , with Roland Gerth et al. AS Verlag , Zurich 2018.
  • The geology of the Alps from the air , with Kurt Stüwe, Weishaupt Verlag, Gnas 2011.
  • Arosa and the Schanfigg , with Hans Danuser , Arosa Buchverlag, Arosa 1988.
  • Arosa: a colored illustrated book by Ruedi Homberger , with Andri Peer , Ra-Verlag, Rapperswil 1972.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Badile as a border mountain between countries and opinions. In: Marco Volken, Badile, granite cathedral. AS Verlag, Zurich 2006.
  2. ↑ Your head in the clouds - your feet on the ground. Film portrait of Benoît Aymon.
  3. Meinherz, Paul (ed.): Calanda. Festschrift 125 years of the Rätia SAC section, 1863–1988, Gasser Verlag, Chur 1988.