Rupert Wittek

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Rupert Wolfhard Wittek (born July 1, 1942 in Plöhn , Mazovia ; † December 19, 2017 ) was a German lawyer and judge at the Federal Labor Court .


Rupert Wittek studied law at the University of Erlangen until 1966 and completed his studies with the first state examination there, where he also received his doctorate in 1969 on the subject of the treatment of family companies under company law . After completing his legal clerkship , he passed the second state examination at the Nuremberg Higher Regional Court in 1970 . After the state examination, he worked as a public prosecutor and finally as a judge at the Nuremberg-Fürth regional court . During this time he was temporarily seconded to the Federal Ministry of Justice . In 1983 Wittek became a judge at the Bamberg Higher Regional Court . From 1984 to 1988, he taught criminal and procedural law at the University of Bayreuth in addition to his judicial work. On April 5, 1988, he became a judge at the Federal Labor Court.

At the Federal Labor Court, he was a member of the 3rd Senate and in 1993 became Deputy Chairman of the 8th Senate. During his time at the 8th Senate, he helped shape the case law of the highest court on the transfer of business and the case law of the Federal Labor Court on compensation . On June 30, 2007, he retired.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Commemorative page by Rupert Wolfhard Wittek. Retrieved January 2, 2018 .