Sérgio Buarque de Holanda

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Sérgio Buarque de Holanda (1957).

Sérgio Buarque de Holanda (born July 11, 1902 in São Paulo , Brazil , † April 24, 1982 ibid) was an important Brazilian journalist , writer and historian who excelled in the areas of social science , social history and politics .


Sérgio Buarque de Holanda is a cousin of Aurélio Buarque de Holanda Ferreira , editor of the most famous dictionary in the Portuguese-speaking world. He had eight children, including the singer Miúcha and the musician and writer Chico Buarque . While he was a correspondent in Berlin , his illegitimate son Sergio Günther (1930–1981) was born, who made a career as an artist in the GDR.


In addition to his work as a journalist for newspapers such as B. O Progresso ( Cachoeiro de Itapemirim ) or Jornal do Brasil ( Rio de Janeiro ), de Holanda also taught at universities in Brazil (e.g. at the Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas in São Paulo) as well as at American and European. He was also director of the Divisão de Consulta da Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro) and President of the Seção do Distrito Federal da Associação Brasileira de Escritores . In 1957, de Holanda was awarded the Prêmio Jabuti de Literatura , the most important Brazilian literary prize , along with many other awards .

Important works

  • Raízes do Brasil. Editora José Olympio, Rio de Janeiro 1936.
      • new critical edition: Raízes do Brasil. Edição crítica. Companhia das Letras, São Paulo 2016, ISBN 978-85-359-2761-0 .
    • German: The roots of Brazil , essay; with an afterword by Sérgio Costa. Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-518-12670-7 .
  • Cobra de Vidro. São Paulo 1944.
  • Caminhos e Fronteiras. Rio de Janeiro 1957.
  • Visão do Paraíso.Os motivos edênicos no descobrimento e colonização do Brasil. Sao Paulo 1959.

Raízes do Brasil is regarded as his most famous work worldwide and is also one of the most important Brazilian treatises on the social history of the country.


  • Gesine and Joachim Art: Brazil Light and Shadow . Weishaupt Verlag, Gnas 2003, ISBN 3-7059-0172-9 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Michaela Metz: Are you afraid when you are alone? , Review by Chico Buarque: My German Brother. Roman , 2014, German 2016, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung , August 30, 2016, p. 12.