South German mayor's constitution

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As Süddeutsche mayor Constitution (now South German council constitution ) is the in the 19th century in the Kingdom of Bavaria , the Grand Duchy of Baden and the Kingdom of Württemberg resulting municipal constitutional system referred. The main organs are the municipal council and the directly elected mayor , who is given a very strong position. Since German reunification, it has become the most common of four types of municipal constitutional systems and has been in effect in Bavaria , Baden-Württemberg , since 1994 in Saxony , Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt , as well as in North Rhine-Westphalia , Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland since 1994 and since 1996 in Lower Saxony .

In the basic form, the mayor or lord mayor , who is directly elected by the population, chairs the community or city ​​council and is both the head of the community administration and the highest service authority of the community's civil servants. He is also the highest representative of the community . Opposite to it is the municipality or city council, which is also elected by the citizens of the municipality and which in turn forms advisory and decision-making committees. As a rule, these are managed by the mayor himself; however, he can also be represented.

Classically, the mayor is the chairman of the council and head of administration at the same time. If this is not the case, one speaks of a dualistic mayor's constitution due to the dual leadership : The municipal councils in Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein elect a chairman from their own ranks as well as councilors who manage the administration under the mayor elected by the people. In Thuringia, the municipal council is free to choose a chairman from its own ranks (then this chairperson and not the mayor, as is normal, of the council).


  • Hans-Georg Wehling : Different constitutional models: South German council constitution . In: Federal Center for Political Education (Ed.): Information on political education . No. 242 , 2006 ( [accessed July 4, 2008]).
  • Alfons Gern: Saxon local law . CH Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Munich, 2000, ISBN 3-406-45501-8 , p. 18.

Individual evidence

  1. Municipal Council - Retrieved October 21, 2017 .