SMS Frauenlob (1918)

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SMS women praise p1
Ship data
flag German EmpireGerman Empire (Reichskriegsflagge) German Empire
other ship names
  • Replacement Königsberg (building name)
Ship type Small cruiser
class Cöln class
Shipyard Imperial shipyard Kiel
Build number 42
Launch October 16, 1918
Whereabouts Sold for demolition in 1921
Ship dimensions and crew
155.5 m ( Lüa )
width 14.2 m
Draft Max. 6.01-6.43 m
displacement 7486  t
measurement 4650 BRT
2200 NRT
crew 559
Machine system
31,000 PSw
27.5 kn (51 km / h)
propeller 2 three-leaf Ø 3.5 m
  • 8 guns 15 cm L / 45 (1040 rounds, 176 hm)
  • 3 Flak 8.8 cm L / 45
  • 4 torpedo tubes Ø 60 cm on deck
  • Mine capacity: 200
  • 60 mm belt armor
  • Deck armor
    • horizontal: 20-40 mm
    • Slopes: 40–60 mm
  • Control center:
    • horizontal: 20 mm
    • vertical: 100 mm

The second SMS Frauenlob was a small cruiser of the Imperial Navy . It was the seventh ship of the Cöln class and at the same time the last unit in this series to be launched and given a name. It was named after the small cruiser SMS Frauenlob , which was sunk in the Battle of the Skagerrak .

Due to a lack of material and personnel, construction was stopped before completion. After the launch on October 16, 1918, the steam turbine U-cruiser SM UD 1 was to be laid down on the same slipway . The Frauenlob , like its unfinished sister ships, was removed from the list of warships on November 17, 1919 and finally sold for demolition in 1921.


  • Gerhard Koop, Klaus-Peter Schmolke: Small cruisers 1903-1918. Bremen to Cologne class. Volume 12 Ship classes and ship types of the German Navy, Bernard & Graefe Verlag, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-7637-6252-3 .