Santo Lapis

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Santo Lapis (baptized on 27. April 1699 in Bologna , † around 1765 ) was an Italian composer and opera - entrepreneurs .


Santo Lapis received his musical training at various Bolognese institutions. On April 27, 1719 he was accepted as a novice in the Accademia Filarmonica and named there in 1720 as organist. In 1726 he was employed as tenor at the Chapel of San Marco in Venice with an annual payment of 80 ducats . Together with Bartolomeo Cordans , he composed the opera “La generosità di Tiberio” for the Teatro San Cassiano in 1729 , to which he contributed the first two acts. In 1732 he wrote “Le nozze di Psiche e Cupido”, a cantata for four voices, which he gave to the patrician Alvise III. Pisanni dedicated to San Marco for his appointment as procurator . Santo Lapis is said to have left Venice around 1733.

In 1737 Lapis worked as the head of an Italian opera company at the carnival in Klagenfurt with “ La fede tradita e vendicata ”, possibly set by Francesco Gasparini . In the following years 1738 and 1739 Lapis stayed with his troupe in Prague, where he performed some of his own works on the private opera stage of Count Franz Anton von Sporck , such as “ Tigrane ” (1739), “ La Ginevra ” and that Pasticcio " Semiramide ".

From the early 1740s he worked in The Hague as a harpsichordist, harpsichord and singing teacher and as an editor of his own works. The latter is partially documented in the publishing catalogs of JJ Hummel and A. Olofsen in Amsterdam . His “ Arie vocali a harpsichord ”, the “ Sonnates pour le clavessin ” (1746) and a year later the “ Sept acclamations joyeuses en musique Italienne pour la voix ” appeared there. During the same period a collection of trio sonatas was also printed by Madame Bérault in Paris . In the winter season of 1751 Lapis organized around 20 subscription concerts in Amsterdam in what was then the Doelenzaal, further concerts followed in The Hague, Haarlem and Leiden.

Towards the end of 1757 he lived in London, where he published other collections of instrumental music aimed at a wide audience. After 1760 he was a harpsichord player in an opera company that performed in various cities in the country ( Edinburgh 1763, York 1763, Dublin 1764). After the show in Dublin his traces are lost. The year of death 1765 was entered in the chronological register of the dead of the Accademia Filarmonica.


Instrumental music

  • Sonnates pour le clavessin , pouvant également servir pour d'autres instrumens (The Hague)
  • Be duetti per due flauti o violini o fagotti (Paris)
  • Op. 1: Sonata da camera a due [...] (Augsburg)
  • Sei nuove symphony à piu stromenti (Amsterdam, 1754)

Vocal music


  • La generosità di Tiberio (Libretto: Nicolò Minato ; third act by Bartolomeo Cordans) (Venice, 1729)
  • La fede tradita e vendicata (Klagenfurt, 1737; Prague, 1738)
  • Semiramide (Prague, 1738)
  • Tigrane (Prague, 1738)
  • La Ginevra (Prague, 1739)
  • L'Egidio (Prague, 1739)


  • Le nozze di Psiche e Cupido for 4 voices (Venice, 1732)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rudolf Rasch: in "Italian Opera in Central Europe" Volume 1 p. 124 ISBN 978-3-8305-0381-1
  2. ^ Frontispiece of his trio sonatas printed in Paris .
  3. Lapis short résumé on the website
  4. Mario Armellini: Entry in the Dizionario biografico degli Italiani (2004)