Sascha Mersch

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Sascha Mersch (born April 3, 1973 in Kassel ) is a German pianist , singer and composer from Berlin . Stylistically he moves between independent , punk and ballad.

Sascha Mersch grew up in Kassel. In 2001 he came to Berlin, where he developed his characteristic style between performance art and music. His texts are poetry settings, among others by Leander Sukov or come from his own pen. The CD Perlensau was named after the poem of the same name by Leander Sukov, which appeared in 2008 in the poetry book Perlensau published by Kulturmaschinen-Verlag . Critics draw comparisons to Konstantin Wecker , certify that he is “idiosyncratic and avant-garde songwriting” and describe his performance as “theater for the ears”.


  • Fall Foliage (2008)
  • Pearl Pig (2009)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Wahrschauer ( Memento from September 18, 2012 in the web archive ), Maurice Schumann on Perlensau by Sascha Mersch and Leander Sukov
  2. Article Instructions for Domina from the taz from June 6th, 2009 about a performance with Sascha Mersch
  3. Article Schneewittchen and Sascha Mersch on
  4. Sascha Mersch at