Satyro Bilhar

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Satyro Bilhar (* around 1860 in the state of Ceará , Brazil ; † October 23, 1926 in Rio de Janeiro , actually Sátiro Lopes de Alcântara Bilhar ) was a Brazilian guitarist , singer and composer .

He was the uncle of the pianist and composer Branca Bilhar (* 1887, † 1936).

Bilhar worked as a telegraph operator , employed by the Estrada de Ferro Central do Brasil and led the life of a decidedly bohemian . Along with Quincas Laranjeiras , Catulo da Paixão Cearense , Heitor Villa-Lobos and Donga, he was one of the most famous chorus composers of his time. He also composed modinhas , Lundus and polkas such as the famous Tira a poeira that of Jacob do Bandolim was taken on record.

Selection of works

  • As ondas são anjos que dormem no mar
  • Estudo de harpa
  • Gosto de ti porque gosto
  • O que vejo em teus olhos
  • Tira a poeira
  • Tu és uma estrela

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