Set of stone house

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The set of stone house is a theorem of the mathematical part of the area of the measure theory , the work of a Polish mathematician Hugo Steinhaus of the first volume Fundamenta Mathematicae back (1920). It deals with a fundamental topological property of the Lebesgue-measurable subsets of the -dimensional real coordinate space .

Formulation of the sentence

Steinhaus's theorem says:

Forming a Lebesgue measurable subset with Lebesgue measure the amount of all of two elements from formable differences , so is thereby given amount is always an environment of .
In other words:
Under the conditions mentioned, there is always an open full sphere .

Conclusions: Two sentences by Sierpiński

To the set of stone house two sets of the Polish mathematician may Wacław Sierpiński about Hamel bases of a vector space over the field of rational numbers are returned. They can be specified as follows:

Let a Hamel basis of the vector space be given .
(1) If Lebesgue is measurable in , then is a Lebesgue zero set , i.e. of the Lebesgue measure .
(2) If a non-empty and at most countable subset of and is the - linear envelope of , then is a non-Lebesgue-measurable subset of .

To prove the two inferences

A proof for (1) can then be given to Jürgen Elstrodt as follows:

If such a Hamel basis is assumed to be Lebesgue measurable with Lebesgue measure , a contradiction arises .
Since such a Hamel basis is not the empty set , one can be selected and thus the real zero sequence can be formed.
Now comes to fruition, then that but after the set of stone house must be a neighborhood of zero, which is why almost all members of the zero sequence contained therein must be.
So there is also a natural number and two different ones for the
But that means that too
This one has a nontrivial representation of a linear combination of elements from with coefficients from what is inconsistent with the requirement that a Hamel basis of more than should be.
Therefore, such a Lebesgue-measurable Hamel basis can only be a Lebesgue zero set.

The proof of (2) is similar and is based on the translational invariance of the Lebesgue measure and the fact that it always holds.


  • According to Jürgen Elstrodt, the sentence reinforces the intuitive idea that every Lebesgue-measurable subset of is approximately equal to an open set. Here it is even true that the Lebesgue-measurable subsets of have the following characteristic property :
To a predetermined barrier there in always a open set and a closed set with
and .
  • How to that of Karl Stromberg in the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society takes 1972 delivered note, there is the sentence a generalization to locally compact groups with haarschem measure , which also set Steinhaus ( English Steinhaus theorem is) called and their formulation the French mathematician André Weil goes back.
  • Far more is known about the Hamel bases from over . For example, it can be shown that such a Hamel base can never be a Borel set of .


  • Jürgen Elstrodt: Measure and integration theory (=  Springer textbook - basic knowledge of mathematics ). 7th, corrected and updated edition. Springer-Verlag , Heidelberg (inter alia) 2011, ISBN 978-3-642-17904-4 .
  • Hugo Steinhaus: Sur les distances des points dans les ensembles de mesure positive . In: Fundamenta Mathematicae . tape 1 , 1920, p. 93-104 ( online [PDF]).
  • Karl Stromberg: An Elementary Proof of Steinhaus's Theorem . In: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society . tape 36 , 1972, p. 308 , JSTOR : 2039082 ( MR0308368 ).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Jürgen Elstrodt: Measure and integration theory. 2011, pp. 67-68
  2. a b c Jürgen Elstrodt: Measure and integration theory. 2011, pp. 99-100