Savanes (former region)

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Liberia Ghana Burkina Faso Mali Guinea Denguélé Savanes Bafing Zanzan Worodougou Vallée du Bandama Marahoué Lacs Moyen-Comoé Sud-Comoé Dix-Huit Montagnes N'zi-Comoé Agnéby Lagunes Sud-Bandama Fromager Bas-Sassandra Moyen-Cavally Haut-Sassandralocation
About this picture
Basic data
Country Ivory Coast
Capital Korhogo
surface 40,323 km²
Residents 1,386,445 (2007 estimate)
density 34 inhabitants per km²
ISO 3166-2 CI-SV

Coordinates: 9 ° 43 ′  N , 5 ° 35 ′  W

Savanes (French: Savannah ) is a former administrative region of the Ivory Coast with the capital Korhogo .


According to an estimate from 2007, Savanes has around 1,386,445 inhabitants and thus a population density of 34 inhabitants per km² with an area of ​​40,323 km². The last census in 1988 counted 743,279 inhabitants.


Savanes is located in the north of the Ivory Coast and borders Zanzan to the east, Vallée du Bandama and Worodougou to the south and Denguélé to the west . In the north are Mali and Burkina Faso . The region is divided into the four departments Boundiali , Boundiali , Korhogo and Tengréla . assigned.


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