Schützengilde Berlin corp. From 1433

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The Schützengilde Berlin corporation from 1433 e. V. is according to its internet presence the second oldest shooting club in Berlin. This date mentioned by the rifle guild is based on a distortion of historical facts, as a result of which the rifle guild wants to legitimize and locate its existence historically, which is why the date of foundation was dated to the year 1433. Its real date of foundation can only be located after 1713, after the enthronement of Friedrich Wilhelm I , when the latter repealed an order by Friedrich I from 1709, which was intended to counter the moral decline at rifle festivals in which the various guilds and guilds took part .

External representation of the Schützengilde Berlin Korp. From 1433 and historical connections

In 1411 Friedrich I became elector of Berlin and the Mark Brandenburg . Around this time he issued a regulation for the defense against robber barons that weapons must be kept in every house, which must always be kept in good order so that they are immediately at hand in an emergency. This order was a common practice. Normally, with the taking of the citizen's oath and the preservation of urban freedom, the obligation to protect the city was assumed. The fact that Order 1411 was set in writing is due to the fact that, as already mentioned, Frederick I became Elector and thus took control of these areas, and thus had to renew the existing laws and regulations, otherwise they would lose their validity could.

The protection of the city was organized and carried out by the various guilds or guilds in the event of a defense . So the individual guilds were also obliged to maintain and maintain the respective sections of the city wall, which they had to protect and defend, in their structural fabric in times of peace. Rifle guilds are therefore associations that refer to the traditional aspects of defending cities in the sense of a vigilante group and the exercises and competitions required for this. For this reason they have never fought as a closed body . The protection factor postulated by the rifle guild for the city corresponds more to the traditional reference to the guilds in general. In view of the various citizen statues and an equalization among them in connection with the militarization of Prussian society under Friedrich Wilhelm I , who also went down in history as the soldier king, the reference is that in the guild, as a result of the shooting exercises carried out in it, the only citizens able to defend themselves were to be regarded as null and void.

Initially, shooting was done with a crossbow and later with rifles , which were even compulsory from 1709 with the invention of the rifled barrel. During the Thirty Years' War , shooting came to a standstill. In 1709, an order from Friedrich Wilhelm I resulted in a compulsory twenty-year break, because he was angry about the drinking and gambling opportunities at shooting festivals and difficulties with other new guilds .

In 1746, the guild received from Frederick II a permit to conduct shooting for two to three summer months, which must end with the royal shooting. The shooting took place on the Schützenplatz in Linienstraße, whose modest shooting gallery was replaced by a new shooting range in 1795.

In 1862 the board of directors of the Schützengilde Berlin founded the Schützenbund of the Province of Brandenburg , which had been the district association of the German Schützenbund for Berlin and the Province of Brandenburg since the same year and is therefore one of the oldest district associations of the German Rifle Federation.

Schönholzer Heide (1901), shooting range and castle

In 1880 the rifle guild sold their premises in Linienstraße for 1,310,000 gold marks and in exchange received the 270,000 m² “Schloss Schönholz” site in Schönholzer Heide for 240,000 gold marks. Thus the construction of an excellently equipped shooting range including shooting range could be financed. The square was inaugurated in 1884. In 1890, the 10th German Federal Shooting took place in these shooting ranges.

From 1920 on, team competitions came more and more to the fore in sport shooting.

Since one refused to accept the standard statutes of the NS-Reichsschützenbund for physical exercises during the Third Reich , the guild was increasingly displaced from its own shooting range.

The rifle house, which was bombed out during the Second World War , was confiscated by the authorities in East Berlin and not returned after reunification .

In 1950, former members initiated the re-establishment of the Berlin Schützengilde, merging the following guilds: Gilde Berlin, Steglitzer Gilde, Wilmersdorfer Gilde and Mariendorfer Gilde. The new home became a leased railway area in Südende . The "PaReSü" was used until the building of a club house of their own. In 2002 the Gilde Berlin had to leave its domicile again because Deutsche Bahn sold the site to a discounter.

The Schützengilde Berlin is now located as a sub-tenant at a rifle club in the Extended Old Allee in Charlottenburg .

On July 1st, 2014 the Schützengilde Berlin joined the Charlottenburger Schützengilde 1903 e.V. V. merged and is now called Schützengilden Berlin Korp. Von 1433 and Charlottenburg 1903 e. V.


The guild has been successfully participating in the German Championships in Munich for years. The following disciplines of the DSB are shot:

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