Battle of Anghiari

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The Battle of Anghiari was fought on June 29, 1440 between armed forces of the Duchy of Milan and a coalition led by Florence , which was at war with the Visconti ruling in Milan .

Course of the battle

4,000 soldiers of the Papal States and around 300 knights of the Republic of Venice fought with the 4,000 Florentines .

The outnumbered Milanese launched a surprise attack along the Sansepolcro - Anghiari axis on the afternoon of June 29 . The Florentines recognized the dust that had been thrown up and immediately prepared for the defense, which began at a bridge over a nearby protective canal. A counterattack on the flank of the Milanese forces them to retreat around midnight.


Tavola Doria , model for the Battle of Anghiari

In 1503, the government of Florence commissioned Leonardo da Vinci to paint a mural of the victorious battle in the Palazzo Vecchio . When Leonardo went to Milan in May 1506, he left his work unfinished. When Giorgio Vasari started a new wall decoration in 1563, Leonardo's work was lost. The battle became known later mainly because of this mysterious, fantastic battle painting.

After studies of the Palazzo Vecchio by Maurizio Seracini in 1977 and 2005-2006, who used the most modern measuring techniques, it is possible that remains of the painting by Leonardo have been preserved behind the east wall of the large council chamber of the palazzo. For this purpose, holes were drilled in a fresco by Giorgio Vasari in order to discover the painting behind. The work was stopped in 2012 after some unsuccessful drilling.

See also



  • Frank Fehrenbach : Much ado about nothing: Leonardo's Fight for the Standard. In: Philine Helas (ed.): Picture history. Festschrift for Horst Bredekamp . Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-05-004261-9 , pp. 397-412 ( online ).
  • M. Pieraccini, D. Mecatti, G. Luzi, M. Seracini, G. Pinelli, C. Atzeni: Non-contact intrawall penetrating radar for Heritage survey: the search of the "Battle of Anghiari" by Leonardo da Vinci . In: NDT & E international. 38, 2005, ISSN  0963-8695 , pp. 151-157.

Individual evidence

  1. The lost Leonardo. Documentation, USA, Italy, 2008, 12:47 min. Production: CBS , 60 Minutes , Morley Safer on Maurizio Seracinis work on Anghiari painting, Summary of CISA3 and Video
  2. Traces of Leonardo's battle painting discovered . In: Die Welt , March 12, 2012
  3. ^ Frank Fehrenbach : Much ado about nothing. Leonardo's Fight for the Standard. In: Philine Helas (ed.): Picture history. Festschrift for Horst Bredekamp . Berlin: Akademie-Verlag 2007. pp. 397-412. ISBN 978-3-05-004261-9 ( online )

Web links

Commons : The Battle of Anghiari by Leonardo da Vinci  - Collection of images, videos and audio files