Battle of Dong Xoai

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Battle of Dong Xoai
Part of: Vietnam War
date June 10-11, 1965
place Quang Tri Province
output Vietcong tactical victory
Parties to the conflict

National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam FNL (Viet Cong)

Vietnam SudSouth Vietnam South Vietnam United States
United StatesUnited States 


Le Trong Tan

Cao Van Vien,
Charles W. Williams

Troop strength
1,500+ 10,000

700+ dead and wounded

ARVN: 416 dead, 174 wounded, 233 missing,
USA: 7 dead, 15 wounded and 13 missing

The Battle of Dong Xoai was a battle in the early stages of the Vietnam War . At Dong Xoai there was a strongly fortified ARVN camp with a large garrison . The troops hardly expected a dangerous attack.

Dong Xoai

Dong Xoai was a camp of special forces of the ARVN with its own runway. After the camp was completed on May 25, 1965, large units were flown in. From day one, the camp was repeatedly the target of mortar attacks, but these were mistaken for interference, a well-known Viet Cong tactic. In the last two weeks before the attack, the attacks increased, but no one expected an attack.

Battle of Dong Xoai

The battle began shortly after midnight on June 10th with the attack of the 272nd Viet Cong Regiment. Heavy fire knocked out bunkers and machine-gun positions and the camp's defensive ring fell more and more into the hands of the attackers. Due to the element of surprise, the ARVN soldiers had little organized resistance to offer.

The American military advisor in the camp ordered the retreat to the center of the camp, as the defenders were already severely weakened. Towards evening the US launched air strikes on the positions of the Viet Cong, including with napalm . However, these could not be driven from their positions and prevented reinforcements from flying into the camp by anti-aircraft fire. Instead, they had to land outside and were involved in long skirmishes. A US battalion was deployed at the area's airport but was not sent into battle on General Westmoreland's orders .

As a result of the long battle, supplies and ammunition gradually became scarce. The wounded also gathered there. When it became clear that the siege would last longer, it was decided towards evening to evacuate the camp. This plan, which was shameful for the ARVN, did not have to be carried out.

In the early morning of June 11, the Viet Cong withdrew surprisingly, leaving a completely demoralized and severely battered ARVN unit that had more than 400 dead. Some American military advisors were also killed.


The defeat at Dong Xoai was another humiliation for the South Vietnamese government. Once again it turned out that the ARVN was no match for the Viet Cong troops.

Although the Viet Cong did not succeed in completely conquering the camp, they were able to inflict heavy losses on the ARVN and use the victory for their propaganda .


  • Captured documents: History of the 272nd Regiment, 9th PLAF Division. 1968
  • Dougan.C, Doyle.E, Lipsman.S, Martland.T, Weiss.S (1983): The Vietnam Experience: A Contagion of War. Boston Publishing Company, USA.