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Green Tinkerbird, Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, Kenya CD5A4273.jpg

Plain bearded bird ( Pogoniulus simplex )

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Woodpecker birds (Piciformes)
Family : African bearded birds (Lybiidae)
Genre : Dwarf beards ( Pogoniulus )
Type : Schlichtbartvogel
Scientific name
Pogoniulus simplex
( Fischer & Reichenow , 1884)

The green tinkerbird ( Pogoniulus simplex ) is a species of bird in the family of the African barbets. This inconspicuously feathered dwarf beardling occurs in East Africa south of the equator . The species is monotypical , but birds from southern Malawi and Mozambique are sometimes listed as the subspecies Pogoniulus simplex hylodytes . The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) classifies the Schlichtbartvogel as not endangered ( least concern, LC ) due to its large distribution area and the apparently stable population .


Plaid bearded birds reach a body length of 9 centimeters. The males have a wing length of 4.9 to 5.1 centimeters. The beak length is 0.9 to 1.2 centimeters. The tail reaches a length of 2.4 to 2.9 centimeters. Females have similar body measurements. There is no noticeable sexual dimorphism .

Males and females are yellow-green from the top of the head to the middle of the back. The sides of the head are a bit paler, from the reins to below the eyes there is a fuzzy, often only hinted, matt white line. The ear covers are yellowish brown. The rear half of the back is green-yellow, the rump is golden-yellow to yellow. The wings are olive-black, the wing band yellow. The upper tail-coverts are black, the feathers with greenish tips. The tail feathers are black-green with dull green feather edges. The chin and throat are gray-yellow, the chest is dull olive-yellow and lightens a little on the sides. The flanks and the belly as well as the under tail-covers are white-yellow. The base of the beak and the rear third of the beak are yellowish, the rest of the beak is black. The featherless skin around the eyes is gray, the eyes are gray-brown to brown.

The plain-bearded bird can be confused with the olive-bearded bird , whose distribution area largely overlaps that of the plain-bearded bird . The olive-bearded bird, which belongs to the genus Stactolaema , is, however, much larger, has a stronger bill and does not show any yellow on the rump . The yellow-tufted dwarf beardling , on the other hand, has a much stronger pattern than the plain-bearded bird.

Distribution area

The Schlichtbartvogel has a fragmented distribution area. It occurs from the Arabuko Sokoke National Park in Kenya to Uluguru in Tanzania . Isolated from this, there are deposits in southern Tanzania, on Zanzibar, in southeast Malawi and in Mozambique. The altitude distribution varies depending on the geographical latitude and local conditions. In Kenya it occurs up to 900 meters above sea level, in Malawi it is still at 1,525 meters above sea level. It is parapatric with the closely related Bergbartvogel .

Way of life

The Schlichtbartvogel is a species of bird that predominantly inhabits forests of the lowlands and only occurs occasionally in mountain forests. Occasionally it can also be found in mangrove forests . It occurs mainly in dense undergrowth, but occasionally also looks for food in tree tops. Unlike the fiery-forehead bearded bird and the yellow-tufted dwarf beardling, it avoids gardens and similar cultivated land. The diet consists mainly of fruits. These are aggressive birds that vigorously defend their territory against conspecifics and other dwarf beards. Almost nothing is known about the reproductive biology of this species.

supporting documents


  • Lester L. Short and Jennifer FM Horne: Toucans, Barbets and Honeyguides - Ramphastidae, Capitonidae and Indicatoridae . Oxford University Press, Oxford 2001, ISBN 0-19-854666-1

Individual evidence

  1. Videos, photos and sound recordings on Eastern Green Tinkerbird (Pogoniulus simplex) in the Internet Bird Collection
  2. Pogoniulus simplex in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2010.4. Listed by: BirdLife International, 2009. Retrieved March 30, 2011.
  3. Terry Stevenson, John Fanshawe: Birds of East Africa. Christopher Helm Verlag, 2004, ISBN 978-0713673470 , p. 254.
  4. Short et al., P. 151
  5. Short et al., P. 152
  6. Short et al., P. 152
  7. Short et al., P. 153