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Rheinaue near Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen :
The Schlute Sandwiesenschlag flows through a ford
Pool in a slit in the Speyer alluvial forest
The fallen dry Hagbau Schlute in Mannheim's nature reserve near the white poplar

The Schlute (also Schlut , more rarely Schlutte , Schluthe or Schluth ) is a common name in Baden , Alsace , Palatinate and Hesse for a mostly muddy channel in a floodplain that is only traversed during floods . At medium and low tide , Schluten fall dry or turn into still waters . Schlute is based on the Middle High German sluot , "Schlamm, Pfütze".

Schluten are particularly common on the Upper Rhine . Due to human intervention such as the construction of dikes , numerous chutes lost their function. Since the mid-1990s, the frequency and strength of the flow has been increased in some sluices on the Upper Rhine in order to better network watercourses and floodplains again. For this purpose, passages in the towpath were widened and flow obstacles such as high-lying farm roads were removed, partly by creating fords .

In the case of polders such as the Kollerinsel , which are being built as part of the Integrated Rhine Program flood management measure, ducts are partially reactivated in order to connect terrain low points. Citizens' initiatives that reject the ecological flooding of polders advocate Schluten solutions .

Schluten are nurseries for many fish species, as the current is lower here and the water warms up faster in shallow waters than in the main stream. When fishing rods dry out, their way back to the main stream can be blocked, making them easy prey for birds of prey , gray herons , foxes , martens or polecats .

Willows , sedges and reeds grow in Schluten . The coniferous swamp rush (Eleocharis acicularis) can be found on muddy surfaces that so rarely dry out that white willows do not thrive .

Individual evidence

  1. Andreas Wolf: Glossary . In: State Institute for the Environment, Measurements and Nature Conservation Baden-Württemberg (Ed.): Lebendige Rheinauen. Nature, culture and LIFE in the northern Upper Rhine. (= Nature Conservation Spectrum, Topics. Volume 98) Regionalkultur, Ubstadt-Weiher 2010, ISBN 978-3-89735-615-3 , pp. 447–449, here p. 449.
  2. See Grossschluth , Kleinschluth or Kreuzschluth in Reichsamt für Landesaufnahme (Ed.): Meßtischblatt 3645 Schlettstadt. Photo taken in 1884, Berlin 1886.
  3. Ludwigshafen am Rhein district : Ordinance on the “Prinz-Karl-Wörth” nature reserve of April 26, 1983, § 3 (pdf, 112 kB).
  4. Emil Dister : The Kühkopf - an alluvial reserve of European importance. In Darmstadt Regional Council : 50 years of the Kühkopf-Knoblauchsaue nature reserve . Pp. 2–5, here p. 2 (pdf, 5.0 MB).
  5. Ernst Schneider: The Karlsruhe natural landscape as reflected in the field names. In: Zeitschrift für die Geschichte des Oberrheins 108 (1960), ISSN  0044-2607 , pp. 134-184, here p. 142.
  6. Anke Jupé, Jürgen Manke, Günter Wendel: Measures to improve the ecological conditions in the foreland of the Rhine. In: Wasserwirtschaft , 89 (1999), ISSN  0043-0978 , pp. 176-181.
    For more examples see Klaus Kern: Selected LIFE measures between Rheinstetten and Philippsburg. In: State Institute for the Environment, Measurements and Nature Conservation Baden-Württemberg (Ed.): Lebendige Rheinauen. Nature, culture and LIFE in the northern Upper Rhine. (= Nature Conservation Spectrum, Topics. Volume 98) Regionalkultur, Ubstadt-Weiher 2010, ISBN 978-3-89735-615-3 , pp. 176–289, here pp. 179 f, 228–230, 257–259.
  7. Martin Prominski, Susanne Zeller, Anke Stokman, Daniel Stimberg, Hinnerk Voermanek: River. Room. Design. Planning strategies for urban rivers. Birkhäuser, Basel 2012, ISBN 978-3-0346-0686-8 , p. 219
  8. ^ Badische Zeitung: The flooding of the Rheinaue remains controversial - Suedwest - Badische Zeitung. Retrieved January 1, 2019 .
  9. ^ Susanne Kutter, Volker Späth: Rheinauen. Threatened paradise on the Upper Rhine. G. Braun, Karlsruhe 1993, ISBN 3-7650-8076-4 , pp. 58, 62.
  10. Oberrheinagentur (Ed.): Improvement of the drainage conditions in the Rhine foreland. (= The Upper Rhine in Transition , Volume 15) Lahr 1996, p. 9.