Jewelry (family name)

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Jewelry is a family name.

Word origin

The surname Schmuck, Schmücking, Schmückle, Schmugge and similar can have the following origins according to the literature:

  • The name is adopted from Middle High German "smucken / smücken" = duck, hide, nestle, press - or from Middle Low German "smuck" = jewelery, dainty, flexible. For example, this could mean a handsome, slim, pliable or petite person.
  • The Swiss name Schmuckli, Schmucki, Schmuckle etc. can also be a nickname for a person with a neck drawn in.
  • A patronymic for the old personal name "Smucho" might also be possible.
  • The name Schmücker is partly also a professional name (for the feather dresser, braid maker, jewelry maker, etc.).
  • (A possible connection jewelry → Schmock should also be checked in individual cases, which in turn can have a different meaning.)

Name bearer