Black volta

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Black Volta
Mouhoun; Upper course: Dienkoa
The catchment area of ​​the Volta with the Black Volta (middle left)

The catchment area of ​​the Volta with the Black Volta (middle left)

location Burkina FasoBurkina Faso Burkina Faso Ghana Ivory Coast Border Ivory Coast

Ivory CoastIvory Coast 
River system Volta
Drain over Volta  → Gulf of Guinea
source as Dienkoa in the Forêt classée de la Source du Mouhoun nature reserve , Burkina Faso
10 ° 51 ′ 24 ″  N , 4 ° 51 ′ 39 ″  W
confluence in Ghana with the White Volta (Nakambé) to the Volta Coordinates: 8 ° 38 ′ 55 ″  N , 0 ° 58 ′ 57 ″  W 8 ° 38 ′ 55 ″  N , 0 ° 58 ′ 57 ″  W

length 1352 km
Catchment area 149,015 km²
Discharge at the Bamboi gauge (1531100)
A Eo : 134,200 km²
Location: 220 km above the mouth
NNQ (min. Month Ø)
MNQ 1950–1974
MQ 1950–1974
Mq 1950–1974
MHQ 1950–1974
HHQ (max. Month Ø)
2 m³ / s
30.5 m³ / s
263 m³ / s
2 l / (s km²)
919 m³ / s
2320 m³ / s
Left tributaries Sourou , Laboni
Right tributaries Bougouriba , Grand Balé , Poni , Tain
Mouhoun (Black Volta) near Dédougou

Mouhoun (Black Volta) near Dédougou

The Black Volta or Mouhoun is a river in western Africa and the longest headwaters of the Volta .


Black, Red, and White Volta, as well as the United River.

The river has its source in the west of Burkina Faso, in the Forêt classée de la Source du Mouhoun nature reserve between Orodara and Banfora , and has a length of 1352 km. It initially flows in a north-easterly direction to the mouth of the Sourou . There it changes its course to the southeast and almost 100 km further south. Only about 500 km further does it flow again in large loops to the east, where it unites with the White Volta . The confluence of the two rivers is now mostly, depending on the water level, in the Volta reservoir .

The catchment area of ​​the Black Volta is given as 142,000 to 149,000 km², of which a good 90,000 km² is in Burkina Faso, about 7,000 km² in the Ivory Coast, a good 9,000 km² in Mali and the rest in Ghana.

Part of the border between Ghana and Ivory Coast and Ghana and Burkina Faso is formed by the Black Volta.


Tributaries of the Black Volta are: Sourou , Grand Balé , Bougouriba , Poni , Kamba, Kuon, Bekpong, Kule Dagare, Aruba, Pale, San, Gbalon, Chridi, Oyoko, Benchi, Chuco, Laboni and Tain .


The flow rate of the Black Volta was measured over 24 years (1950–1974) in Bamboi about 220 kilometers upstream from the mouth (in m³ / s).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c IWMI - The Volta River Basin (2005)
  2. GRDC - Bamboi gauge