Black Forest family Seitz

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The Black Forest family Seitz is a music group from Ohlsbach in the Black Forest in Baden-Württemberg , which has been devoted to folk and popular music since 1949 .


Wendelin Seitz and his wife Johanna first appeared on the radio as a vocal duo in 1949 . Their songs were soon very popular, so that they also brought their son Jürgen and their daughter Gabi onto the stage, the "musical" Black Forest family Seitz was "born".

Later, the two younger daughters of the Seitz couple, Michaela, Isabella and Manuela, joined them and the small choir became a trademark of folk music in southern Germany. With numerous recordings as well as radio and television appearances until the 1980s, the family became known to a wider audience, until 1989 when their father, Wendelin Seitz, died. That was the temporary end of the Black Forest family Seitz. In between, Gabi and Jürgen also appeared as soloists or as a duo .

After her father's death and after her divorce from Konstantin Bühler, Gabi Seitz founded the Gabi Seitz Ensemble with her future husband Karlheinz Barbo (they married in 1994) , which soon returned to numerous television appearances. In September 1999 Gabi's younger sister Manuela finally joined the Gabi Seitz ensemble. Since then, the formation has appeared again as the "Black Forest Family Seitz", thus continuing the musical family tradition. Gabi sings the first voice, Manuela the second, and Karlheinz bass , and Karlheinz accompanies the group on guitar , piano or keyboard . At live concerts Gabi also takes over the moderation and leads through the program.

The repertoire of the Black Forest family Seitz includes folk songs and folk tunes as well as chansons , hits and musicals .


Hermann Löns Medal

Success title

  • S'Cuckoo Stirrer
  • Finch Waltz
  • My grandfather's watch
  • I wish you time
  • If I were a bell
  • O Black Forest, O home
  • Bells of the homeland - 1994 original by the cowbell duo Anita & Maik


Albums (selection):

  • The original Black Forest family Seitz. With the Horst Wende Orchestra - 1965
  • World, how beautiful are you - 1988
  • The Magic of Home - 1993 (Gabi Seitz)
  • And again a light shines for us - 1995 (Gabi Seitz Ensemble)
  • We love life - 1996 (Gabi Seitz)
  • My beautiful country - 1998 (Gabi Seitz Ensemble)
  • In Mutters Stübele - 1998
  • Stars of our homeland
  • The world has a thousand ways - in 2002
  • Baden Württemberg Anthem - 2002
  • Great God we praise you - 2012
  • Soul patch 2014
  • If there are miracles - 2015
  • Tones - 2015
  • The most beautiful Black Forest melodies - 2016
  • Fairy dance at Mummelsee - 2017

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wolfgang Schätzle: Home game for the Seitz siblings. In: Mittelbadische Presse. Retrieved January 17, 2016 .
  2. Black Forest family Seitz sings hymns. In: NWZ, Local District Göppingen. Archived from the original on January 17, 2016 ; accessed on January 17, 2016 .