Science fiction year 1905

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◄◄1901190219031904Science Fiction Year 1905  | 1906  | 1907  | 1908  | 1909  |  | ►►
Other events

New publications literature

German title
Year of publication in German
Original title author Remarks
1906. The collapse of the old world - - Ferdinand Grautoff
Anno 2222 - A dream for the future - - Albert Daiber review
Aspira - - Kurd Lasswitz
The valley of the happy - - Leopold Engel
The collapse of the sea 1905 L'invasion de la mer Jules Verne
The birthday of the future social democratic state - - Ernst Moser
The last people - - Friedrich Jacobsen
The Mars trip - - Adolf May
An automobile trip into the future - - Georg Rothgießer
In 2120 - - FA Braeunert
In 2356 - - Wilhelm Fischer
In the future state - - L. Albert
Masonia - - Diedrich Bischoff
Passyrion over Germany - - Paul Oswald Koehler
Technical fairy tales - - Hans Dominik
Among Martians - - Oskar Hoffmann



See also

Portal: Phantastik  - Overview of Wikipedia content on the topic of fantasy