Kasprowy Wierch cable car

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Lower station
In the rope
Middle station
Upper station
Ski Area

The cableway Kasprowy Wierch is a cable car in Zakopaneer district Kuźnice , on the southern from downtown Mount Kasprowy Wierch in the mountain range of Western Tatras leads. It is managed by the Polskie Koleje Linowe company.


The Kasprowy Wierch cable car was built from 1935 to 1936 in seven months by a special purpose vehicle founded for this purpose. a. the Liga Popierania Turystyki (LPT) was built. It was modernized in 1961 and 2007. In the first 70 years of its existence, the cable car has carried around 38 million people up to Kasprowy Wierch. This corresponds to the population of Poland. Glazed wagons have been running since 2007, from which the Tatra panorama can be admired.


The lower station of the Gubałówka cable car is located in the Kuźnice district of Zakopan. The middle station is on the top of Myślenickie Turnie . The upper station is about 25 m below the summit of Kasprowy Wierch . The cable car is divided into two sections, the first from Kuźnice to Myślenickie Turnie and from the latter to Kasprowy Wierch.

It is located in the area of ​​the Tatra National Park . In the upper station there is a restaurant, a kiosk, a ski workshop, a ski warehouse and a small hotel with eleven beds.

The cable car opens up the Kasprowy Wierch ski area . There are two chairlifts Hala Goryczkowa and Hala Gąsienicowa on Kasprowy Wierch, which are put into operation in the winter season.

Technical specifications

The total length of the cable car is over 4250 m, the difference in altitude almost 1000 m and the speed of the wagons 8 m / s. Over 600,000 tourists and winter sports enthusiasts are transported to Kasprowy Wierch every year.

Cable car "Kasprowy Wierch - Section I"
length 1957 m
Height of the lower station 1027.5  m npm
Middle station height 1352.5  m npm
Height difference 325 m
Support 3
Wagon type 60 + 1 people
Number of wagons 2
People per hour 360 in winter, 180 in summer
Cable car "Kasprowy Wierch - Section II"
length 2296 m
Middle station height 1355.1  m npm
Height of the upper station 1959.6  m npm
Height difference 604.5 m
Support 3
Wagon type 60 + 1 people
Number of wagons 2 (+ 2 ambulance cars)
People per hour 360 in winter, 180 in summer

See also

Gubałówka funicular

Web links

Commons : Kasprowy Wierch Cableway  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 49 ° 16 ′ 13 ″  N , 19 ° 58 ′ 52 ″  E